" – On three pages. Clearly, tezisno, in the form a brief synopsis. As the authors draw their common places of past and current statements of philosophers and political scientists, have them stop. Stereotype of the Soviet Union – the empire ", but the Russian empire, and in the subtext – Imperia Evil, "" totalitarianism "," autocracy "and the like – now owns all the political scientists and cultural studies. You see, with the fall of the Byzantine Empire in the xv century, the dream of monks: "Moscow – the Third Rome, became an imperial ideology of the Russian state.
"This imperial ideology has played a large role in Russian history. She inspired the aggressive aspirations of Russian tsarist. Under its influence all the forces had been spent on acquisition, protection and development of the vast territories and the ensuring economic progress, and to cultural development of their people have no choice. " You see, what Russia! Meanwhile, the Russian state was originally developed as any other European country, in the first all Spain, Portugal, France, Britain, Denmark, Germany – with the same imperial ambitions and messianic dreams of individual kings. "The integrity of the vast country has rested on a centralized autocratic government, and not on the unity of culture. This determined the importance of statehood in the history of power and little attention to the development of culture. " Such is the history of European countries in different historical periods. However, the criticism sounds only against Russia. "On the basis of imperial ideology emerged messianic consciousness – the idea of this from God's great mission of Russia in the history of mankind.