Internet Security

Not so long ago, since it was known that at a large German online ticket seller hackers have stolen more than 60,000 credit card numbers. Over 50% of Internet users never buy for this reason with credit card. Many banks have it also hard to tempt your customers services such as online banking, because always resurface vulnerabilities. The damage, which each year cause hackers with E-commerce companies are immense, this is still the image damage for the industry as a whole, in addition to braking the online buyers. Hackers infiltrate mainly online shops, which store sensitive information such as personal information and credit card numbers in databases. The stolen data are sold in the underground for ca. 7 per credit card number.

For this reason it has become hacker stop to the task, alike safer E-commerce companies, as well as online buyers to help capitalize. If you have read about Joel Courtney already – you may have come to the same conclusion. 99 percent of the attacks are prevented by the daily check or at an early stage. Hacker stop performs daily special security audits on the systems of its customers. The policies of these audits surpass all previously known policies and standards and be adapted by hacker stop dynamically, to more quickly respond to incoming threats. With a positive result, hackers stop awarding the hackers stop security seal. This security seals every online shoppers to recognize quickly and easily, that he transmitted data to a hacker stop certified shop. Hacker stop offers this full-managed service, i.e.

the audits, and reporting are fully carried out by trained IT security consultants, therefore each customer hacker stop can use services, even without knowledge of IT. E-commerce operators increase sales through the affixing of the seal! Numerous marketing studies prove that efforts with regard to data security on the part of the operator will positively affect sales. Up to 20% more sales were reported by individual companies. By the unbeatable price of just 49 in a month, you can offer your customers more security and at the same time to generate more revenue! You can find more information, as well as a contact form on