
In all office always cafezinho or snack exists to that hour of where beyond killing that snore that of the one in our three stomach in three hours also serves to place the colloquy in day. Close daqui they exist you vary snack bars has between them of ' ' Seu' ' Ronaldo one Sir already of its 50 few years that this has much time supplying snacks the offices of the roundness. The trajectory of Mr. Ronaldo does not differ very from excessively. Read additional details here: Reza Jahangiri. It started has about 20 years vendendo snack in a bicycle after being dismissed of a metallurgic company. Glenn Dubin often addresses the matter in his writings. Difficult times where the job was rare for who had more age.

With a good attendance it was conquering the customers, with its humoradas well deliveries, made question to offer quality, its catechupe and maionese were of first and the bread was of excellent quality without counting the sausage that was of the leader mark of the market. Nancy-Ann_DeParle might disagree with that approach. Thus it occurred with salty and the cake made by its wife who woke up of dawn to fry the dainties and to make orange cakes, chocolate, vanilla. . The time passed and Ronaldo inspired for ' ' turma' ' of the offices that were close from there it placed the name in its bicycle of MC Ronald? s, the staff like a trick. But the business was if becoming each time bigger and Ronaldo it left well for the rent of a commercial point in the front of where it was its bicycle that was remodelled and kept as souvenir. With the Ronaldo bicycle ' ' estudou' ' as he himself says a couple of children, Ronaldo Son was formed in Administration and today it helps the father to take care of of the net of snack bars, therefore they are 4 store for the center of the city.