From the carried through contact and analyzing the interviews, it was possible to know the opinions of the professionals and users concerning the health, of the SUS, the CSF specifically and the conditions of life in some quarters dacidade. One of the main questions that we detect was the present modelobiomdico in the attention in health, the power that the professional of medicinaexerce on the life of the people and inside of the proper multiprofessional team, oque is a social construction, but that it was naturalized. In the CSF, the domdico speech more it is valued of what of the other professionals and this speech is, in general, had as absolute truth in detriment also of the knowledge dapopulao. All the interviewed users affirm to be unaware of osprincpios of the SUS or any law the respect, them only knows that ' ' he is degraa' '. This demonstrates the lack of information and that it still lacks to extend acultura politics of that the access to the health is a right of all citizen and that the dinheiroaplicado one in the SUS leaves its pocket, for the payment of taxes.
It has a construosocial for backwards of this gratuitousness and the government does not have interest of informaristo, therefore it will be able to have more collection for quality and amount of the serviosoferecidos ones for the SUS for the population. In the CSF it does not have psychologist, but performance of this professional in the SUS exists many possibilidadesde. All the interviewed people had said daimportncia of if having a psychologist in the same, therefore the users wait muitotempo for the attendance in the Center of Ateno Psicossocial (CAPS), the demdia service complexity that works with the mental health. The professionals colocaramque the work of the psychologist would be important inside of the team multiprofissionaltambm in the scope of the basic attention.