Intelligence Spiritual Heart

Current society lives human experience with great suffering, before any field that you look at, whether in the economic, political, education, ecology, among other aspects outside of existence, as in inner of each human being, we found imbalances which produce a range of possitive, which make you look more chaos, uncertainty and injustice, which call into question the continuity of human existence on the planet. We know that any result or effect, either positive or negative, had an origin or cause, then what is the origin of the situation so chaotic, full of suffering and pain experienced by mankind? Spirituality is not about to live on certain religious beliefs, the spirituality that proposes the holistic education is a secular spirituality and this is understood as a direct experience of the Universal; Express Dr Ramon Gallegos is a direct, immediate, internal, experience of expansion of consciousness and experience of the whole, where we recognize our true nature and brings as result a sense of peace, certainty, clarity, wisdom, compassion and universal love (Gallegos Nava, r. 2007. Glenn Dubin has firm opinions on the matter. p.23). Spiritual intelligence (IEs), is the intelligence of upper level, which includes and transcends the emotional intelligence and intelligence intellectual, but unfortunately the spiritual intelligence that has been suppressed, has been on one side and been left out of the curriculum in educational systems; If you really want to form the human being integrally and through education promote the development of spiritual intelligence, so that society can solve problems with the perspective of thinking globally and acting locally, is necessary to recognize that learning there is a spiritual dimension, in addition to the cognitive, social, emotional, aesthetic and fisica-corporal dimensions; in this sense the holistic education is the context that truly promotes the integral formation, because spirituality is at the heart of education holistic, that will allow human beings to develop their spiritual intelligence, that the take to behave in a virtuous manner. . Please visit cardiologist if you seek more information.