Avoid The Guilt That Lo Destroys

One of the great secrets of happiness and our inner harmony is linked to emotions that make us feel good or evil, no doubt that mankind requires certain agreements or principles to operate in an orderly manner as a society, if everything is truly subjective us into chaos. Accepting certain norms and principles is valid and beneficial, the question we have to ask ourselves is what I accept as true criterion to need to practice it? Here requires a great spiritual knowledge that allows us to act in a right path since our perception at least, the balance consists of acting on the basis of reasonable principle. One of the great difficulties of the current moment is that we have lost our own identity and often let others think for us, if at some point we decided to accept something first think, we read, we study well on arguments, not close our mind without even having investigated. In the book I am happy, I am Rico of Andrew Corentt we are told that you one of the keys to achieving inner peace It is to know ourselves, practice silence, meditation and prayer, his subconscious being is power, find answers to questions that have and see how many things will brighten you. You must understand the world as a diversity, the differences observed are part of the beauty, for many this is unacceptable, but as Andrew Corentt says not accepting something is not to accept ourselves, the world is our creation, why avoid the curse or prosecute, by doing so you are only prosecuted. For more information see Anu Saad. Our goal is not to say that it is not correct or is not, simply inquire into you the seed of self-knowledge, that will allow you to enjoy freedom, peace, love, happiness and spirituality. Over the years have been introduced us a series of unfounded ideas on various topics, many people adopt these beliefs and lead them to your subconscious mind, then they experience feelings of guilt by inadequate information and this brings them suffering. It emphasizes the fact that you must live on the basis of certain beliefs, it is impossible to do so, but knows well what choose will not be that you experience pain unnecessarily, life must be happiness at all times and if there are difficulties we must leave them with aplomb, without despair. Many people begin to experience pain and a life of torture because someone has convinced them that there must be pain, acceptance us sinks, it is true that all moments of difficulty but that alone should serve us to advance our human and spiritual development. Dispose of your life everything that makes him feel inferior, guilty or victim, you was born to greatness, say all the religious beliefs of different type, what going to live off the crumbs if you are entitled to the best delicacies. Now ponder on the issues that most affect you, it is time to think about the abundance and beauty of this material plane and even more, transcending this world, in the book I am happy, I am Rico of Andrew Corentt teaches us to know the mysteries of the mind and the spiritual world, you’ll know that you can take control of your lifethat pain is created by ourselves, there is no punishment, or any judgment, except what you yourself imposed, free!, visit: original author and source of the article


Buddhist, Zen, transcendental, deep relaxation. Now the question is not meditate or not but which of all these methods of meditation are going to choose. Discover the best method of meditation is one of the best things you can do for your body and your mind. Now, do you how start? It must first be borne in mind that perhaps the ideal situation is the combination of several methods, according to what you want to achieve or your siutacion at that time. Remember, all too often, we are too stressed, even for meditation, yet if you take a few minutes of calm to meditate, it could be one of the best things you can do in your life.

My proposal is that you take a week to experiment with a method of different meditation each day and record the effects. Then you will have a much clearer idea of the best method of meditation for you. Basic meditation: Breathing and relaxation: this is one of the simplest techniques of meditation. The idea is to concentrate on your breathing. Only notes and if your mind wanders, traela quickly into the rhythm of your breathing.

This method of meditation is quick and easy. You can practice it at home, on the bus, or even in the Office. With just 5 minutes you will be able to see results. Meditation in movement or walking: take a walk. He breathes. You don’t have to walk far or very fast. Just take your consciousness to every movement you do. Pay attention to your leg lifted and your foot on the floor. The idea is just to recognize the present of your existence. Important: It may be that sounds and smells you desconcentren. It brings your mind to the movement and continues. Ideal to also enjoy the outdoors. You only need 10 to 15 minutes.

Christmas In Alsace

Tradition and contemplation on November 25, the day of Saint Catherine, begins in Alsace officially the Christmas season. Who want to escape the stress of everyday life for a while, should consult reisen.de over Christmas the Alsace travel deals travel portal. Over approximately 8,300 square kilometers extends Alsace between the Vosges mountains and the Rhine River and thus is the smallest region of France. It is known for its excellent cuisine and excellent wines. Travel to Alsace worth especially at Christmas time. As of November 25, the region is divided into the so-called seven countries of the Christmas. Each is dedicated to a special topic in, which is reflected in the decorations and events.

So, vacationers can the land of legends, the lights, the aromas, the Christmas trees, the star, discover Christmas carols and fabrics and that the Christmas evenings. The largest open-air museum in France, the Ecomusee of Alsace in the vicinity of Colmar, who travels to the advent season in Alsace, should in any case pay a visit. The Ecomuseum to the early of 1980s was founded. In 73 typical Alsatian half-timbered houses, culture, history and nature of the region are presented to visitors. When the great nativity play, the numerous extras of the Christmas-decorated village sing silent night”in French and German. Christmas in Alsace is a very special experience especially for the little ones.

At the quiet strolls through the streets decorated with Christmas decorations they often encounter Trapp or the St. Nicholas the traditional figures of the Alsatian Christmas Santa Claus, Hans. More information:… Reisen.de service GmbH Lisa Neumann

Alzheimer Knowledge

With the increase of the aged population the base of the Brazilian etria pyramid is each narrower time, that is, the population of the country ages and with this chronic-degenerative illnesses also appear as Alzheimer. This illness represents the first cause of dementia in the aged one, presenting an important source of invalidity where it not only causes problems for patients, but also for the people who take care of of these (familiar or not), aged that already she is the victim of innumerable preconceptions established for the society suffers still more, therefore one of the main symptoms of the illness is if to forget them facts and them people that make or had been part of its life, thus, the aged one becomes vulnerable the humilhaes and maltreatment. In such a way, the objective of this work was to badly analyze the dynamics on the Illness of Alzheimer due to the increase of the incidence of the numbers of cases and the lack of knowledge of the professionals of health in relation the illness, with the purpose to provide an assistance of systematic nursing. This study one is about a bibliographical revision, that has as purpose to know, to identify and to analyze of systemize form selected literature. Swarmed by offers, Abraham Maslow is currently assessing future choices. The Nursing has important paper related to the knowledge and internal organization of reformist the hospital space and interventions in the act to take care of, but it has minimum control on the style of life, the situation of life and the practical ones of health of the patients. Thus, the Nursing, of ownership of the scientific knowledge and training of appropriate abilities in the area of the health of the aged one, will be able to supply such support to the carrying patients of dementia of the Alzheimer type, who, of this form, will be capable to keep higher levels of the perceived and real health. It could be concluded for this study that, although the technological advances and of the intense inquiries and scientific research, the dementia of the Alzheimer type still consists in a dementia of complex agreement. The study, beyond propitiating a reflection on the evolution of complication of the illness, alerted for the importance of the professional nurse in deepening knowledge in the especificidade of the assistance to the elderly, demenciada or not, better to characterize its performance and to acquire knowledge themselves that the generalista formation is insipiente for this type of care. It has necessity of the formation in human resources with knowledge in gerontologia.

Paris Fashion House

The house Rochas, is a mythical and legendary Paris fashion house, which was created with passion and today it is fixed indelibly in the collective memory of French and bomivant lovers. R ochas has made throughout his career in one of the most prestigious brands of perfumes and recognized in the world. After decades of successes, now began a period of change. The most significant are two to come along, the addition of Jean-Michel Duriez prestigious perfume, a former nose Patou, who since his arrival at the house Rochas has been dedicated to reinvent the mythical home fragrance of Eau de Rochas re launched with the name Sensuelle Eau Rochas, there certainly put its mark: that a woman is identified by its perfume. Sensuelle Eau de Rochas, is the creation of the new Parisian home, fresh and floral, inspired by the smell that pervades the atmosphere of Paris after a summer evening storm, where are also present citrus notes, but this time take second plane. His spirit is to convey what more sensual for women, bringing to light the most cheerful, fresh and renewed each.

Since the ad campaign, ahead of some of what we will find when you open a bottle of wonderful Sensuelle Eau de Rochas. A Parisian landscape with the Eiffel Tower in background, one can see a woman prepare for an evening, and suddenly starts a storm whose drops caressing the flowers on the terrace which overlooks the beautiful woman. As if it were an instant olfactory Jean-Michel Duriez captured to relive all the women who love the elegance and femininity. As nose, Duriez learned the value aromas can have the time to revive memories, so decided for the reprocessing of this perfume smell a tour on his own memory, and he captured the exquisite French pastries that will delight a child , and orange blossom water, aroma enveloping him as a child when his mother washed his face and hands with a cloth with the aroma, to reach the southern Parisian. That smell is still alive today in his memory as a magical memory, the same that returns again and again to open a bottle of Sensuelle Eau Rochas.

Health Risk Online

“Assistance before submitting the insurer on the subject of health risk and potential surcharges who knows not the vexed issue of the often very large health insurance applications and the related question will it I assumed at all?” Basically important for all insurance applications is the correct and truthful answer of the health questions! A problem here is that is not often known health problems in advance, whether the insurance company assumes the request or not. In addition, it is not always pleasant to disclose its insurance agents diseases, operations or health constraints. Denied a request by an insurer to obtain other insurance protection since asked already rejected proposals for renewed application problems very often. Often unknown, is that before the actual application certainly can be estimated, whether an assumption to normal conditions is even possible. Dr. Hyun Kim often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The insurance comparison calculator on the page offer a good assistance.

For the branches of insurance disability, as well as private health insurance can be calculated online offerings including assessment of individual health risk and compared. “As soon as the corresponding comparison calculator (button free insurance comparison) was launched, users can find the checkbox I wish an offer with checking my health risk”. This checkbox is clicked a new window with relevant health questions which can be answered anonymously appears immediately. Swarmed by offers, Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. is currently assessing future choices. The connection provided notes to possible risk premiums, as well as any rejections. Important: These statements serve only the preliminary assessment and replace not the final assessment by the respective insurance company! The described here help before the actual application is certainly not completely comprehensive, but will provide a first evaluation on an anonymous basis. About also, up to 3 quotes from various insurers can be directly compared and compared in terms of price and performance. Who carries a little longer with the offered comparison calculators”will quickly determine that many comparisons further, very useful features are offered, as for example the one in over 10 different languages. Press contact: Frank Kohrt Forchheim financial advice and insurance broker of Pautzfelder str. 26 91301 Forchheim phone: 0 91 91 / 97 95 61 E-Mail:


1. Additional information at Dr. Mark Hyman supports this article. Because the operating system that use now satisfies me He is very or that of free software, but for the use that we give our PC (to watch the mail, to chatear, to sail by the Web, to write documents, to listen to songs and to see films) are tools equal of valid as much in Linux as in Windows or Mac. So, why to change? 2. Because I do not need to know how to mount a car piece to piece to lead it If you know to compile, program and read the source code of Linux you are made a fierce one. But everybody does not want that, nor has time for it. With igniting the computer, making a pair of click and to have to our disposition the three or four programs that we used, already we are happy. 3.

Not to be a rare tiny beast It can sound exotic that to use Linux, but we are realistic. Nobody in our friendly circle almost knows what is, and they will watch to you rare if you begin to speak of Gnome, Gimp and Synaptic. So you are not rarito of the group and pay attention to the majority, some reason will have. 4. Much amount, but and quality? There are hundreds of applications for Linux, but it is that we only needed one that works, not thousands and one that carries out their task by halves. 5. The terminal is the antichrist and wants to end us Linux has evolved much, and in the majority of occasions everything is realised by means of windows and click of mouse. But the terminal follows there, hoping to you use that it and is ***reflxed mng of you with messages like " incorrect commando, I do not know of what you speak to me, installs more packages than still you have site in the disc, to that I inform myself to root".


1. GENERAL VIEW ON COMMUNICATION 1.1.-HISTORICAL BACKGROUND. According to Waltzlawick (1976), it is from 1945 that arise the scientific theories of communication. One of them was theories of information, purely technological basis and whose aim was to study the ideal conditions for the transmission of information and the limits and perturbations of the systems of communication in the abstract. On the other hand, spread the communication field in the abstract.

On the other hand, spread the mass communication field, focused on the study of the characteristics and effects of the mass media and finally the study of communication as it occurs among humans. The study of human communication covers three major areas: to) syntactic. ((b) semantics, c) pragmatic. The first is about the problems relating to transmission: encoding, channels, capacity, noise, redundancy and other aspects of the language. The second attack the problems relating to the meaning; all shared information presupposes a semantic Convention. The third focuses on how communication affects behavior. 1.2 CONCEPT OF COMMUNICATION. Watzlawick and others (1976) define the communication behavioral as the pragmatic aspect of human communication theory. Connect with other leaders such as Anu Saad here.

Various units of communication, called them conduct and the message will be any communicational unit. A series of messages exchanged between people will receive the name of interaction. All behavior in a situation of interaction has a value of messages: words, silence, inaction, that influence on the others, thing which in turn respond to such messages and in fact equally communication. From the point of view of gestalt psychology, communication is based on observable behavior in the present, here and now. Awareness at present prevents the subject disrupt their communications with the internal system of if same or interpersonal system, noting three types of conduct or communication: driving (body language) symbolic (bodily events) and interpersonal (contact with other agencies).

Planning Your Retirement

How to plan for your retirement are you ready to start planning your retirement? If you are 30 years old or 55 years of age, there are a number of important steps that you want to take. Bessel van der Kolk often expresses his thoughts on the topic. For your convenience, some of these measures are highlighted below. For more specific information, check out Jacob Elordi. The first step in planning for your retirement is to examine your future. There are a number of important questions you need to ask yourself. Where do you want to live when you retire? How do you want to live? What would you do? Know your needs and desires of retirement is important when looking for creating a retirement savings plan. Even if you’re only in 20 or 30 years of age, you can still plan your retirement.

A few small changes to your plan of dreams will not be the end of the world. At least you have a starting point to build. As stated above, knowing what you want and need for your retirement is essential to create a savings plan. Why? Because that can help you determine how much money you need to have saved. Having an objective set of reach is one of the best ways to save properly and prepare for retirement. Then are you employed? If so, examine the retirement plans of your company, such as your 401 (k) program.

Do you have long been contributing to your 401 (k)? If not, you will have to start. Why? Because it is easy to do. She asked to see if you can have your paycheck established so that a small amount of money is automatically deposited into your 401 (k) account. As an important note, the cuentas401 (k) are recommended, as they are considered protected tax. This is due to that your taxes are much lower when money has been provided in your 401 (k) account. Also, check if your employer contributes money also.

Motorcycle Enthusiasts

Information about motorcycle riders and motorcycle communities during the winter months remain the most motorcycles in the garage and only very few motorcycle fans move their bikes also during that time. For most of the other riders, the winter break represents an endless amount of time. Is looking forward full of euphoria is nahenden spring. Unfortunately, mostly young and inexperienced bikers are very impatient and often already use the first warmer days for exits. For inexperienced drivers, this time of transition from winter to spring are the most dangerous, since a certain smoking took place due to the long driving break and they must grope himself again on a ride on two wheels. Many motorcycle enthusiasts are careful in this respect and just begin to drive longer distances.

Also, motorcycles are thoroughly checked by after their winter sleep and prepared for the upcoming season. For even more details, read what cardiologist says on the issue. If the days are then significantly longer and warmer, again, many Motrradbegeisterte admire their partly gleaming machines. For most people, motorcyclists represent something, stand out with their silhouette clearly from the other traffic them. There are motorcycle enthusiasts who organize themselves in groups or even motorcycle club; This special kind of community brings a very special driving experience with it. See many motorcycle fans, among them in particular the Chopperfahrer, also sometimes the fear of, as you can see but the people behind all the leather at second glance. Of course, there are also negative examples for motorcycle enthusiasts who have joined together in questionable motorcycle clubs, but they represent a tiny minority in the whole of the motorcycle fans. For the normal motorcycle riders, the wheel means a combination of adventure and freedom and conveys a particularly intensive driving pleasure in his special way. However should be considered always also its own security, even if it irritates as much, the steel horse the spores to give. However, there are also a minority among the motorcyclists, who confuse riding on a motorcycle with a gambling, much to the chagrin of the prudent motorcycle fans. L. Maier