Partner GmbH

A new seminar will teach from Voss + partner trainer and similar knowledge brokers, ‘AHA’ and learning to throw other people. How do people learn the fastest and most enduringly? “” “By them experience even for example the AHA, I can do it” or something goes… “or the work…”. How you specifically can bring about such learning experiences with other people, experienced trainer, in-house continuing artist and similar knowledge brokers in a new seminar, which carries out the training company Voss + partner for the first time from 17 to 18 November in Hamburg. “His title is: experience learning: learning with all senses”. Dr. Hyun Kim: the source for more info.

In the two-day seminar, the personal experience is central. In other words, the participants learn, including through practical exercises on his own body as reflected experience adjustment and behavior changes accelerate. This building they reflect then: how should the learning environment and the learning processes be so when the subjects the desired Reference experience”occurs that causes them to think, for example: I should introduce myself more in the team? Or: I should with conflicts to deal differently? Or: Maybe the coping with new challenges succeed me, if I…? Numerous practical exercises, the participants train then targeted to create such reference experiences with other people. “Also they practice to reflect these experiences with them so that the desired AHA effect” arises and you ask yourself for example: what does this experience for my behavior in the workplace? Or: What follows for my future cooperation with colleagues? Is also trained in the seminar with the learners”then concrete arrangements to meet, that ensure the transfer in the (working) life. “” Another central seminar theme is: what should a coach or similar knowledge broker exhibit behavior, so that he can motivate a person or stimulate, something new “or unusual” “to try out, so that the desired reference experience, from which the AHA effect” results, can occur at all? Also, the participants based on their behavior during the exercises shown receive feedback, at what points they should still work so that the learning trust them more, and where they are already tip. Participation in the seminar experience learning: Learning with all senses euros 997 (+ VAT). For more information contact interested at the Voss + Partner GmbH, Hamburg (Internet:) Phone: 040/7900 767-0; E-Mail:).

The Yellow House

People settled inside of a bathtub, in the bathroom of the Yellow House, of day, while an enormous line waited irritated of the side of is. We settle of dawn, in the deep one of the bus that, in high speed went up the Mountain range of the Borborema. In the lodging, in the theater festival, we settle under the blanket, on a long cushion amongst the others, where others dissimulated to sleep. We run naked for the immense and desert beach alvinha of White Mount, later that we settle in it, in a labyrinth of falsias. Insignificant naked bodies, enter the possible sky bluest and the finest sand gust of that dune of Broken Canoe, we settle until arder. We spend thousand of cubical meters of water, when we settle under ducha morna of sute of the hotel in Garanhuns. Dr. Mark Hyman gathered all the information.

I was burnt in the casserole of spaghetti, when to support trying me in the stove, when tropeguei exausto, later that we settle in the kitchen. When I came of the yard, to assear after me in the side of the river Gurguia, attended your sleep for hours and you, lying from bruos, naked, sweated, shining moved away the legs more a bit and you settle of new, while you slept, inside of the tent. I lost the account of the piscantes stars and not identified flying objects that we saw, lying under ribalta clearer than the moon already obtained to be distinguished. See Bessel van der Kolk for more details and insights. Then, we settle there, in palco rainier of the Legal Amaznia. In the net biggest that had offered in them, we settle. We thank and we catch the road in return to the place of where we came. In the way, we settle under many clouds and we wet in them in the jorrante well of Cristino Castro.

People fought, cried, if she repented and she asked for pardon one to the other, later we kiss in them and we settle there same, in the deep ones of the Large house. We settle, going up the stairs of the Manoel Julio. We fall of the sofa and we settle in the carpet. We settle very. We settle excessively. Still thus, I find that we settle very little. I always ask because we do not settle more. When we arrive in our salty waters, poludas and tired of in such a way beating in them, with soap in rock, pra cleaning in them, we rub our nodoadas vestments. We extend them we leave and them to quarar more under the moved away sun, for the biggest storm of spring end, of the south of Brazil. E, you lose to the wind fort, come you blow of them of the death, we drown in them forever when we settle in the sea of the Land of the Fire.

Henan Hongxing

The new sand maker is a model which not only reflects the perfect combination of professional crushing technology and machinery manufacturing but also fully embodies new technologies and new workmanship. The biggest difference between new sand maker and traditional sand maker is the new sand maker adopts rhombus combined impact block to replace the original overall-shaped hammerhead and square combined impact block. Hongxing sand maker can provides the best quality sand aggregate for high way, high-speed railway, high-rise building, municipal engineering, hydroelectric dam construction, harbors and docks, concrete mixing station, etc, which becomes the undisputed core equipment of sand industry and stone field shaping mechanism. Hongxing sand maker is a recognized worldwide new efficient crushing machine, in which the impact block plays the undoubted greatest effect in the whole of sand maker. It is necessary to add lubricant oil in the working, but how to choose the lubricant? How to add? Add to oil or grease lubrication lubrication dilutes? Here is the difference between these two type: 1. with these questions. The replacement frequency:as the professional manufacturer of complete sets of mining machinery, such as cement making plant, Henan Hongxing is always doing the best in products and service.primary crushers: dilutes oil lubrication: an average of every six months to replace the oil, not maintenance save resource losses to some extent, weekdaysand reduce work costs. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. oftentimes addresses this issue.

Grease lubrication: manual workload is larger than the former, more cumbersome, it is necessary to stop the manual refueling every two classes, resulting in the loss of human material and increases. 2 The role of motor protection: dilutes lubricating oil: oil viscosity and lubricate the engine power so play the smaller role of protection, at the same time, increase machine s service life. Grease lubrication: duo to the lubricating grease stick feature is large, so that the engine starting resistance increase, which result in a great impact on the transformer, affecting the life of the motor and transformer. 3 The influence to the machine bearing: dilutes oil lubrication: while bearing lubrication, it also plays a protective role, because the oil lubrication cycle, there is flows dilutes not airtight phenomenon, so to play a protective role at the same time, it also playeda certain degree of protection role to the entire shaft, reduces the wear of the member, and prolong life. Grease lubrication: under the same conditions, using grease lubricated bearings, life wear will accelerate, to this effect, is high speed bearings lubricate duo, without protection to bearing, and thus having some impact to the entire axis.

Madhouse Time

Digressions nocturnal find me with me in my sleepless nights going abriendo caminos me away from the Madhouse because there is no worse pain that sentences of remembrance with it that we are seeing already don’t have forgiveness and so many endless doubts arise questions that affect me pains they relapse to each proposal. And it is that with the passage of time that elapses between silent will be some moments and they are in my mind. They are vivid memories of pleasant moments are what loved ones who need them, I call. Cardiologist is full of insight into the issues. That was beautiful yesterday vanished at a time leaving hearts open waiting for your love. Today I’m still only leave that thought and scream from the rooftops are owner of my love of that which is born and lives that it moves with your cravings everytime you go that it expects full of desire that you asomes to my window your desires and warm desire to love me once again. By the time I see that I got used to you my life my love motor and they grow desire to go armando dreams as it will bringing together what we’ve done the two Samuel Akinin Levy digressions nocturnal find me with me in my sleepless nights I’m opening paths moving away from the Madhouse because there is no worse pain that sentences of remembrance with it that we are seeing already have forgiveness and so many endless doubts arise questions that affect me pains they relapse to each proposal. And it is that with the passage of time that elapses between silent will be some moments and they are in my mind.

They are vivid memories of pleasant moments are what loved ones who need them, I call. That was beautiful yesterday vanished at a time leaving hearts open waiting for your love. For more information see Carl Jung. Today I’m still only leave that thought and scream from the rooftops are owner of my love of that which is born and lives that it moves with your cravings everytime you go that it expects full of desire that you asomes to my window your desires and warm desire to love me once again. By the time I see that I got used to you my life my love motor and they grow the desire to go armando dreams as it will bringing together what we’ve done the two Samuel Akinin Levy original author and source of the article.

Municipal Policy

The secretary of Municipal Policy of the PSOE, Antonio Hernando, has invited the leader of the PP to leave in his next interventions with a newspaper in the hand. Criticism that Rajoy is offering declarations " tinned and regrabadas". Credit: cardiologist-2011. The secretary of Municipal Policy of the PSOE, Antonio Hernando, has invited the leader of the PP, Mariano Rajoy, to that he signals of " descongelacin" and he leaves in his next interventions with the cover of a newspaper in the hand. Hernando has made this invitation through a video that the PSOE has hung in the vestibule of YouTube in which the socialist leader appears seated surrounded by some newspapers. " Those that we are working in this difficult month of August we want to invite to Rajoy to that in his next interventions it leaves with the cover of a newspaper, simply so that all we have been seeing that tinned declarations are not offering us, rewritten for weeks, although everything what usually says is caducado" , Hernando in the video says. The person in charge of Municipal Policy of the Socialists it alludes thus to the recorded declarations of Rajoy that have appeared during successive days in mass media. Hernando takes two sport newspapers and going to the leader of the opposition it says: " and yes, Mr. Rajoy, would be enough with the cover of a newspaper deportivo&quot to us;. Source of the news: The PSOE makes fun of in a video of Rajoy and it asks to him that it signals of " descongelacin".

Booming Market Business Apps

More and more companies invest in mobile apps for your own, professional use which is boom of the mobile apps alone not a mass market phenomenon. More and more companies can build apps for own professional use. According to current studies, 42 percent of U.S. companies plan their own apps for their employees (source: the guardian: technology/appsblog/2012/feb/21/business apps-antenna-research). B2B apps are an integral part in the professional life”, says Norbert Striedinger, Managing Director of app-full service agency all about apps ( Also in Austria: in the order books of the app specialists are for example apps for calculating bending, as well as a mobile application for the pharmaceutical sales force. Striedinger predicts a rapid increase in B2B apps in Austria.

Cost-saving and variety are just a few of the arguments that speak for a development of professional apps for a small group of people. B2B apps: The way out of the niche in the United States and in 43 Percent of the companies invest in the development of B2C apps United Kingdom. Followed closely by the 42 percent, a mobile application specifically for their employees working on. B2C apps are not geared to massive download, but aim primarily for professional use. So, for example, sales representatives or employees in the warehouse or production benefit from applications built specially for them.

A main reason for the boom is the cost savings: companies can use an app of the acquisition of more expensive usage devices (example: bar code scanner) counter. Since a majority of the employees/customers with the use of smartphones is familiar, the low entry threshold and high usability and acceptance gain advantages in the B2B area. Furthermore is greatly simplified the rollout of new software or updates to existing infrastructure, and over the air”. B2B apps also in Austria asked that in Austria apps in business demand to business area, the full service agency shows all about apps. The Viennese company “” “already developed apps for companies from different areas of the profession: the Trump bend Guide”for bending calculations, an app for the financial and sales as well as cialis”, a B2B app for the pharmaceutical sales force of the company Lilly”. That the B2B industry relies more and more on mobile apps for their employees, bringing benefits for the whole company. Especially for the field/sales, customer support or process optimization the apps developed specifically for a small group of users are a workload and strong support”, so Norbert Striedinger, Managing Director of all about apps. Whether a B2B app finds its way into the respective app store, left the company. An app is too specific or linked to an internal system, a publication not worth. Have benefited from the application such as, for example, when a catalogue app for a furniture company offers a publication to but also the consumers. About Enterprise stores can be made accessible B2B apps only to the limited range of users”, so Striedinger next. Photo Norbert Striedinger, Managing Director of all about apps, moves the business apps in the foreground: all about apps all about apps ( is a full service agency for mobile applications (apps”) and mobile Web. The Agency offers services along the entire life cycle of an app. The offer includes consulting, design and development of apps (for iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows phone, and webapps), application and marketing and performance monitoring.

Eliminate Abdominal Fat

How to remove grease abdominal? Good question, huh? The fat concentrated in the abdomen is a problem for millions of people in the world. Having those extra pounds around the midsection can lead to all sorts of health problems, including increased blood pressure, and diabetes. These are two very good reasons to remove that fat in the abdomen is a real priority in your life. Three things help accumulate fat in the midsection. In this article we will review those problems and how to correct them, making it easier to lose fat, look and feel good possible. Alcohol of course that take that cold beer after a long day of work feels great. Perhaps enjoy weekends more than one beer.

Take more than two in a single day, is a real nightmare for your abdomen. Beer and the majority of alcoholic beverages contain high calorific value. 200 300 KCal per drink to be exact. Those calories not only van direct to your belly, but it also slows your metabolism, making it harder for your body to burn those calories extra. If eat enough of these drinks, later you’ll never have a huge mass of abdominal fat.

The solution? Leave drinks for a while. Or better still replace them with something that is not going to increase your abdomen, like a game of Orange, or water with lemon. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. often says this. Quitting alcohol is not only a good decision for your body, but in general for your life. There is nothing more embarrassing than a night without that you remember you what step, or a day of much alcohol hangover. Good nutrition fries, chocolates, gummies, and junk food of all kinds, added you weight in your tummy and throughout the body. Proper nutrition is essential if you want to eliminate abdominal fat. Let that bag of chips, and prefers a fruit. That is the key to burning fat.

The Attic Of The Craftsmen Performed

Energy saving and space created by attic roof window installation for the installation of roof Windows, the roof must be covered according to the size of the window. It can also happen that the spacing of the rafters are too low. Then must then rafters are severed and incorporated a cross Exchange and help rafters. There is a thermal insulation the roofing must in the pane before crosswise are cut and folded away. Then, the insulation material can be removed. Roof insulation also old roofs can by the craftsmen of intermediate rafters insulation, which owned no roofing accident be.

To achieve a greater depth of insulation, the rafters here are sheated. It is however important that enough space is left between brick and insulation so that air circulation is possible and can dry any ingress of moisture. It has proven itself in addition to the left and right of the rafters to attach a roof Batten, a hardboard is screwed to the. Gable walls tiling with gypsum plasterboard the Gable walls are clad with plasterboard. It applied to the old surface primer will cut the plasterboard and distributed the attaching gypsum into individual chunks on the back of the plates. The boards are then placed on the walls and gently tapping with a straight edge and a rubber mallet.

Better wipe the plates, spacers should be used at ground level. To the window soffits around the plates must be fully glued and corner angles. Roof slats that cross run mounted to the ceiling beams are blanket here. The vapour barrier is then attached to this substructure. Are there bumps you can compensate with safety strip of hardboard. Roof slope: At the sloping you should install direct suspension, but have this a greater depth, but offer the possibility of additional insulation. Now, the first battens is aligned and mounted parallel to the bar. Then a counter Batten, is again on the construction of the cross is screwed directly to the first battens. Metal stand walls/lightweight stand walls lightweight walls created one from a metal studs. This is a simple variant to make structural changes in rooms. Here come metal profiles made of zinc sheet used, be fitted and fixed with so-called drywall screws with gypsum boards. Sheeting stand work here using two different types of profiles, namely UW and CW profiles that exist in different strengths the UW be profiles on ceiling and floor and over the whole length of the wall to. To achieve a sufficient sound insulation, profile should be glued under the UW a separating belt. Since the CW profiles dimensioned, that they profile can be placed exactly between the UW, it must be placed vertically in about 62.5 centimetres. Now, the gypsum boards without problem with drywall screws on the profiles can be attached. John Kulcsar

Acidification – Without New Syllabus Threatens Farewell To The Welfare State!

ADHD, depression, eczema, allergies, pain… are the momentous results of body chemistry really uberrollten by the progress of past decades. Trier. Our welfare State continues \”to work\”, it’s time to get our healthy actually healthy! This, however, the revision of many content gone out from decades of failed development is inevitable. Nancy-Ann_DeParle oftentimes addresses this issue. A prime example of such a correction is now virtually part of the mantra promoted eating fresh fruit. Because he is all year Yes at all possible by importing fruit. But harvested immature for compelling reasons, and substitute for the natural maturation offers also the tire for here! The \”raw acids’ such immature fruits affect on food intolerances, allergies, pain, joint pain, migraine, diabetes, depression, the already congested organs of metabolism of Neurodermitikern and asthmatics, as well as on the institutions of which, Suffer more ADHD and much, very stressful. Therefore, the discharge of metabolic organs must have absolute priority here! However a such entfesselnde Dynamics has evolved in this country according to the rules of the free market in just a few decades even in the food sector, that this emerged a similarly complex as far-reaching \”nutrition chaos\”. Under most conditions Mark Hyman, MD would agree.

We owe this chaos end the shrinkage of our essential digestive helper – the wide range of enzymes and hormones. The rise in this suffering of the civilization today playing the central role in the so far losing effort to reform our health care system from top successfully! Well not completely \”against the wall\” to drive the social achievements of the generations preceding us, it is time to raise the future generations for the basic importance of metabolic processes within their body in child-friendly treatment. The expiring here initially rather subtly errors of the enzyme and hormonal complicate the fact Initially seem rather harmless biochemical recycling of recorded food – the origin of all evil again encountered complaints. But without the understanding of the truth behind of their creation, finally pronounced chronic suffering adult thereof and the fact now more deliberately on a political level is the fact that the number of permanent treatment continue to grow children with prematurely so that costs and risks and side effects.

POP Server And Some Differences In Favor Of IMAP

To understand the concept of pop server, you need to talk about the mail servers. The concept of e-mail or e-mail account for electronic mail systems on the Internet. In the email application using different concepts. Concepts of the implementation of e-mails on the Internet also known as account space account username and password all mail service uses an outgoing mail server (SMTP by its acronym in English) which connects the user to send their e-mail and delivers it to the destination SMTP server. It is also used in this application server-S IMAP incoming mail from which the user manage their email options. From there the user retrieves their email through Outlook, Netscape or Eudora.

What is a pop server? Pop server is the acronym in English (Post Office Protocol) is the protocol used by personal computers to manage their email accounts. The pop server is used to retrieve messages stored on the server and pass them to the user. This means that a mail server uses in fact two: a pop or IMAP server for messages and SMTP server to send and receive messages. While the pop and IMAP server perform similar functionality and structure of both are different. Pop differences between a server and an IMAP server Both protocols allow a user to save email from a server.

The differences between holding a IMAP and POP system lies in several features, which depending on the user, they will be favorable or unfavorable. Pop server? Rescue all the e-mail to check the user? There can upload files or folders on the server offers? There are secure versions of POP servers using Netscape 7.1 and Outlook to retrieve messages? One of the characteristics of mail access via POP (Post Office Protocol) is access to the server so that the password does not go clear across the network. This is achieved by encrypting the connection between the client and the server. In the case of POP encryption using SSL (Secure Socket Layer). The server has a certificate that identifies the one hand and to encrypt the connection established. IMAP server? Solo rescues the message headers for the revision of the user (this is useful for accounts that have lots of very large messages or messages) to read the server will download the selected message? Allows upload files and folders on the server offers? There are secure versions Netscape 7.1; 4.7 and Outlook? One advantage of these servers is that support simultaneous clients to one consignee and access multiple mailboxes on the server. Pop Server: POP3 POP3 protocol intervention part of the system pop designed for the detection and labeling of unsolicited email or spam, better known as Spam. Pop3 currently has various authentication methods that offer a range of levels of protection against illegal access to mailboxes. The APOP is a verification and identification system being used, also by Mozila and Eudora.