The Berlin Tower

All Berliners and tourists to visit birthday – no separate Prominentenfeier all Berliners and tourists are invited to pay a visit to the 40th anniversary on October 3 the Berlin TV Tower. “A separate Prominentenfeier not there,” stressed on Friday outside Director Christina after requests at the TV Tower had accumulated, and announced: “We want all visitors to celebrate and came up with some us.” So come the tickets in the nostalgic look of October 3, 1969. Also the menu is from the opening day, but extended to current dishes. Go to Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City for more information. When you leave the Tower, every visitor receives a small birthday cake and another surprise. In the upper Hall, an exhibition offers a look back on the highlights of the past 40 years, by the construction of the Tower of the 1996 reconstruction as well as the World Cup, on the occasion of which the dome was transformed into a football combined with a visionary look in the next 40 years. Old GDR-Schlager accompany and accompany the whole musical. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Dr. Mark Hyman on most websites. Some well-wishers are also still correctly put in the stuff. The 27 tallest towers of the world, that the World Federation of great towers are joined, the Berlin TV Tower in a video message from Paris will send your birthday greetings.

She is then on the 3rd October in the Internet on the website and in the tower itself on screens can be seen. Contact person for the press: Christina Aue, Managing Director of TV Tower Alexanderplatz gastronomy society mbH panorama str. 1A D-10178 Berlin Tel: 030.2475750 Tel: 030.


Fischerhuder company is in the final of the prestigious middle-class competition and can award Fischerhude hope 02.07.2013 – right with the first participation in the Grand Prix of the middle class of 2013 reaches the banjo I group from Fischerhude the second round of the competition. The company one nationwide 670 companies that have succeeded in the so-called jury level. “Managing Director Arnd Bruning is delighted over the renewed progress: it is a great honor and shows that our concept and the team collaboration work!” Banjo looks forward to the final awards ceremony, which will take place during a gala event in September in Dusseldorf, anxiously. With a little luck, his company even as price could be awarded. The Grand Prix of medium-sized enterprises”is annually since 1995 by the Oskar-Patzelt-Foundation based in Leipzig and has evolved into the most important German middle-class competition.

With the theme of healthy middle class strong economy more Jobs”the Foundation seeks to promote the respect, the respect and the recognition of entrepreneurial activities and virtues. An independent jury reviewed the extensive submissions from an economic perspective as well as in relation to their role in society and ultimately decides who gets the coveted prizes. Glenn Dubin, New York City might disagree with that approach. THE BANJO I group the sole proprietorship Arnd Bruning E.k.. was founded in 1992 in Fischerhude near Bremen, Germany presents itself today as a banjo I group with the banjo Euromulch company, banjo-megawatt GmbH, banjo Logistics GmbH and the Bruning specials GmbH. As national and international development and provider, primarily the banjo group I with energy-supplying bulk raw materials from wood and Germany established itself as a market leader in the supply of Biomasse(heiz)kraftwerken. In addition, mulch and bark products include the wide range of products, which is currently edited by over 85 employees.

Germany – A Care Case?

Care services in Germany with increasingly important are advances in medicine and increased quality of life indicators for a higher life expectancy. According to the Federal Statistical Office, new fermented girls 81 years and newborn boys will be 76 years old. Overall a positive message, but in Germany entail the other consequences. Because in Germany the next generation is missing. So, the population currently stands at around 82 million and will be reduced to a maximum of 75 million inhabitants by 2050. That means the number of older people in Germany is increasing, where against the young population itself is greatly reduced. This is logical way have influence on the dependent persons in Germany.

In 2007, approximately 2.3 million people were reliant, in the framework of the care insurance law (SGB XI). While the care cases will remain largely constant through disability, accidents or diseases, care cases which may arise from the higher life expectancy and higher age, be strong increase. This means that also the nursing service will win overall importance more and more. There is hardly any difference between the nursing service Berlin, which will give maintenance service Hamburg or Cologne care service, it probably focus all in care for the elderly. Important focus on care for the elderly will be especially at the dementia care, domestic care, monitoring of health status and also the terminal care. Of course, care services have to talk about the task with their patients or simply to encourage them.

In total the outpatient or home nursing also further proportional to the increase in the number of nursing services will continue to, because probably most people prefer to be treated in a domestic environment. However, the health status to the needs. Where this is not the case, these patients are furnished and maintained continue in appropriate facilities, such as a nursing home or a care station. The resulting, on the number of old people’s homes and all other increasing the care-oriented institution and enormous gain in importance in the future. This of course also applies to facilities that take care to less severe ‘ age care case ‘. These include so-called senior residences and senior residences. These are mainly there to take care of, but still the sense of autonomy to preserve their inhabitants to the domestic supply. Of course also the care in the family and the care in the home is becoming increasingly importance. Currently, there are about 12,000 domestic care services in Germany, how many will be there in the future, will show the time alone. As well, only this future will show whether really so or to such an extent going to happen. Finally these are just numbers and statistics. Also even the past has demonstrated often predicted events have occurred only partially or not at all. Finally, we are alone it our, future perfect.

Life After Graduating

Education Fair horizon shows ways and mediated in the face of more than 12,000 courses offered by German universities, the selection of appropriate study course is often difficult background Mannheim. By the same author: Eva Andersson-Dubin. Not only the students themselves are overwhelmed with this decision, but both parents: numerous new subjects, new degree structures with Bachelor’s and master’s degrees and new studies and high school make it impossible to expert advice. Here the horizon can provide the fair support for graduate education: now six locations in Germany present their study offers to universities, colleges and private study institutions from throughout the country. Competent contact persons answer questions about the Bachelor’s – and master programs, the curriculum, as well as the future prospects and inform the site of College housing, leisure and criteria, are the expansion of the public transportation the the Choice of place of study can certainly influence. But not only for pupils of the gymnasiale Oberstufe, the horizon offers a comprehensive information Forum: students, who want to search for alternatives to the selected course or learn about master programmes are right here. The education fair for young professionals who attend vocational training or have already completed and want to attach a study is equally interesting. The Exhibitor structure of the horizon includes universities, companies, presenting their dual studies and training programs for high-school graduates, and many institutions, which provide information about study place allocation and funding your studies, as well as about the different ways to complete a stay abroad, before or during the study period.

In the framework programme, the visitor in lectures and workshops can get more answers to burning questions. At each site, there is a round of talk on the subjects of financing of studies and the new Bachelor’s and : Masterstudienganger financial statements experts illuminate the subject from various perspectives and answer individual questions of visitors. The horizon takes place at the following locations: Mainz (14/14 November 2009), Munster (23/24 January 2010), Stuttgart (6-7 March 2010), Friedrichshafen (17.(18. April 2010), Weimar (8th/9th May 2010), Bremen (June 12-13, 2010). The opening hours are from 10 to 16 hours, admission is free. The complete range of exhibition, the framework programme, as well as all further details around the horizon there’s under.


‘Spam’ or ‘spam’ are terms used to name the email ads you did not ask and do not want. Note that the term Spam is somewhat broader than the ‘core junk’ because the ‘spam’, also includes other forms of aggressive advertising and illegal, such as writing in forums and newsgroups for advertising purposes. However there are some ways to protect and fight against this intrusion of privacy. Never respond to spam. Do not do it even to send a request to be removed from the mailing list. Most people who send SPAM does not consider these requests and, worse, add to other lists or validate their email address and as active and belonging to someone with a name: you. You may want to visit Maya Dubin to increase your knowledge. After validation, sell your address to those interested in databases and will continue to be, therefore, more SPAM.

To defend, you should complain to the service provider (ISP) that sent the message originated. The easiest way to report this abuse is to use certain programs such as SpamCop. This form of defense actually reduces the volume of spam received.

Peruvian Congress

After the adoption of the electronic vote by the Peruvian Congress, this issue is giving much to talk about, but I see opinions from various sectors which in my personal opinion do not see the topic complete but only partial and sometimes uninformed. To start I think that it should clarify that it is not only a technical issue, electronic voting is not only connectivity and computer equipment, but it is actually a process is the heart that has not been touched that it is speaking of the electoral process itself. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. has firm opinions on the matter. As all process must be analyzed and treated as such, including its sub processes and infrastructure and support the same tools. It is not something Eva Andersson-Dubin would like to discuss. a>. THE issue of security is key, however it is a process should be treated as such and for this an excellent tool is ISO/IEC 27001: 2005. On the subject of security has been said of hackers, modification of information, manipulation of results, audit software, etc. It should however be seen from the point of view of integrity, availability and confidentiality of information relating to the electoral process. Beginning by defining management system and everything which involves (qualified analysis of risks, liabilities, assets, personal identification, incident management, auditing, etc) and to provide the necessary confidence, based on policy and management system to implement annex to the standard controls, so for example: the theme of associated personnel (Board members, auditors, evaluators, ombudsmen, etc.) should be based Annex A.8 controls security of human resources where the topic is touched and its controls. The issue of where will be located modules and minimum in the processing center as well as the voting locations safety main are touched by the physical and environmental security A.9 the subject of access by A.11 Access Control the issue of software by the A12 acquisition, development and maintenance of information but must also take into account the A.13 on incident managementA14 on business continuity, etc on end must be in base to the scope of management system of information security which is pointed, associated annex to the standard controls should be evaluated and that would be enough to guarantee and to reassure Peruvians that the election process this properly care. .

Practice-oriented Training For The ALH

Extensive courses of the Academy for holistic healing Haan, – January 22, 2014, for those who professionally or personally would evolve in the area of health, medicine and psychology, offers a comprehensive program of the course again in 2014 the Academy for holistic living and healing (ALH). “Resource-oriented consulting”, Achtsamkeitstraining, classic relaxing massage and practice opening “are just a few of the subjects that are taught by experienced lecturers. Thereby, the ALH attaches great importance to the deepening of the learned material through practical exercises. The courses and professional training of the ALH addressed to naturopaths, health consultant, psychological consultants and doctors; but also interested outside of these professional groups are welcome. Educate yourself with thoughts from Nancy-Ann_DeParle. There is detailed information about the individual courses, fees and appointments as well as venues under the number of 02129. 9402-0 or. About the ALH the Academy for holistic food and Founded in 1967, one of the oldest and most successful German distance teaching institutions in the health sector is healing (ALH) in Haan. Somatic Experiencing has compatible beliefs. The Academy focuses on the education and training of health practitioners and health advisers and psychological consultants. In addition, the ALH offers a wide range of additional presence courses. All correspondence courses have been reviewed by the national centre of distance learning (ZFU) in Cologne and approved.

The Guru

The lighting is very low, and nobody can enter without bending the head. As the flower that looks beautiful and delicate nuances, but lacks perfume, so lack of fruit words who speaks, but doesn’t act Dhammpada generalities, etymology, scope we are all committed while giving us the opportunity to live to grow spiritually. To not neglect what this represents in the significance of having had the opportunity to speak out on this plane. Not surprising therefore, that in him we find special beings that they have woken up, they have been attentive in everything that involves their actions, passing through this plane, beings that become some Guru called them. Source: Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. And spiritual are very important in pro facilitate our growth with his teachings, guides. Incumbent upon us to each discover who along the way can help to awaken, enliven our wisdom, we can temporarily make it with a guru, but there be attentive has not triggering unit.

Wikipedia gives us to the regard, that by extension, guru has become the word used to designate the initiator or head of a belief taught in the context of an ashram or a gurukula (school), where all the members are considered part of the family (kula) of the guru. These schools are aware of the Krishna (reincarnation of Vishnu, the main form of God worshipped in the India) offer both academic knowledge as spiritual. The term is also used by Sikhs to refer to their spiritual leaders we are told, that the term guru means heavy, as opposed to laghu, light in almost all current languages of the India. It comes from the ancient Sanskrit language guru. The India much uses a kind of explanatory seudoetimologia, which is based on dividing a word into its syllables and find Kabbalistic or hidden meanings. In Adwaia Taraka history (16) says: the sound gu is the darkness, the ru sound, that destroy.

We Are Going To Vote

Today, Thursday 1? in may, London has a very disputed election. Since the difference between the two major candidates (labour Ken Livingstone and conservative Boris Johnson) are very narrow enough that one or the other community is tilted on one side or another to make one of them a winner. Cardiologist is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Chief Justice Roberts will undoubtedly add to your understanding. This has made the 600,000 ibero American to become a factor that could tilt the balance in one side or the other and therefore on defining who is the new burgomaster. In this special, we placed several notes that have come out in the London media about the increasing importance latinos come in these elections and about the events that have promoted from this modest newsletter. We emphasize a note that has come out in The Daily Telegraph, the serious newspaper of largest circulation in the United Kingdom, in which appear the photo of Boris Johnson visiting the Pueblito Paisa and chatting with the President of this Latin market (RAUL MANCERA) and FABIAN CATAnO (Colombian survivor of the bombing of the 7J and owner of the train of the arepas). For even more opinions, read materials from Eva Andersson-Dubin. We also put texts that made us reach parties on the afternoon of April 30 Green and labour. Is noteworthy that for first time in history we have achieved all the 5 main parties to respond to a questionnaire made by latinos.

We ask all our readers who will vote in mass and which have been feeling the weight of latinos in the UK. We made it clear that MINKA as such not supported to any CANDIDACY and that we are proud to be the medium that has informed all candidates and views in these elections. We are proud of having achieved helped put Latinos on the electoral map. Finally we want to inform you that yesterday at about 9: 00 pm our collaborator was deported journalist and lawyer Dr. Paul Fierro. By data provided by the Coordinator of his defense (doctor Luis Naranjo) a retinue of reporters and high personalities of the Ecuadorian State must go to Quito’s Mariscal Sucre airport receive tonight. A few minutes before traveling Paul and Luis, they talked and popular former director of RADIO VISION made us reach a message of greetings and thanks to all readers of MINKA NEWS.

Meanwhile Juan Carlos Piedra reported us that is thought to do another event United by Ecuador to support the Fierro family. We take the opportunity to thank 300 people who did get their e-mails and letters of support to Paul. A very special recognition to GLORIA GOMEZ, indomitable advocate for latinos, for the support given is acause, and equally to leaders of all the benches as SIMON HUGHES (President demo – liberal) and JEREMY CORBYN (labour) and candidates to be mayors as SIAN BERRY, BRIAN PADDICK and LINDSEY GERMAN (green candidates, liberal and leftist) by having ordered his immediate freedom. Just we have data about what Ken or Boris did by Paul we will inform it.

Virtual Office

Today a large number of entrepreneurs on the Internet use a virtual office for work, since they lack a physical space or enough money to pay workers. Therefore, they are worth various online tools as well as companies offering virtual offices services. However, what so advantageous is this rent a virtual office? Some of the benefits of having a virtual office are: savings, since you don’t have to pay for the rent of a virtual office. Celina Dubin is likely to agree. Comfort, that can handle the Affairs of your business from your home or from any location where you are. Flexible schedule.

Though traditional offices also can be applied, it makes more sense if you work from home, since you do not spend time in transport, for example. However, there are also some disadvantages: sensation of lack of communication. Although there are various tools to facilitate the conversation, there is nothing like the person-to-person conversation. Internet unit. It becomes impossible to work if there is no Internet.

Few work meetings. Sometimes it is necessary to have a room together and traditional training, but in the case of virtual offices it is somewhat difficult, since many of the entrepreneurs who rent a virtual office is because they want to save costs. In conclusion, a virtual office is a good choice, but has to evaluate the category of business to wield expectations that businessman willing to rent a virtual office can be reached in the short and long term.