Carlos Saul Menem

For businesses, there is still a further risk of deflation affecting their profit margins. During the month of June, according to data from Eurostat, the euro zone showed the first annual price deflation (which was 0.1%), since the introduction of the euro. The logic of the entrepreneur who sees an economy that is contracting and that their margins are also shrinking caused by low prices, tends to consider that this is not a year to invest, or if there doing so, better to opt for short-term alternatives. Credit: Eva Andersson-Dubin-2011. With this way of thinking to understand European business, it creates a vicious circle that deepens the economic downturn in the euro zone. It is wrong, but so good (Carlos Saul Menem, during his presidency in Argentina, 1990).

This sentence clearly reflects the situation of the euro zone economy. In this regard, an encouraging sign for the industry was, as he realized a week ago expansion, which in May reported its first monthly increase since August 2008, beyond on-year the industry saw a 17% contraction during that month. Francis Collins usually is spot on. The growth in the month is a sign that increases the hope of recovery industry in the euro area. Industrial production accounts for about 17% of GDP in the euro area and therein lies its importance in terms of the way out of recession. The way out of this recession and recovery Eurozone industry, is highly dependent on what happens in the U.S. economy. Families and businesses are not too strengthened to boost domestic demand and hence economic growth.

Canine Nutrition

All dog foods are not the same food for dogs to keep your dog healthy you need a lot of fresh water and food should be fed good quality dog in amounts proportionate to meet their energy needs. Always follow the directions on the package of dog food in the recommended amounts of food. Choosing a dog food for the first challenge in choosing a dog food is it good quality food. The term that appears much about dog food is human grade. Implies that human grade dog food is good enough for us to eat. Many commercial dog foods are made from materials unusable or less desirable for human consumption. Often, the meat used in dog food quality is inedible for humans.

Major dog food companies try to provide balanced pieces of vitamins and minerals for maximum benefit of your dog. Celina Dubin will not settle for partial explanations. Although you can see that many dog food brands have labels almost identical, a well known dog food company will offer an explanation for each supplement and how it benefits your dog. Always read the label to see what proteins, vitamins and minerals gives your dog. Try not to use the store brand of dog food that little can change your dog the nutrition they need. Studies have shown that the main ingredient in dog food should be meat based protein, not flour, corn, corn gluten meal or flour.

Talk to Yourself

You’ve probably heard of auto-suggestion techniques. Many intend to condition the mind to success. But nobody talks about what is the harm that such methods can inflict on the minds of people. Yes, it is quite difficult to say anything against because of what has been written in favor. But in all honesty to admit that there is bias in their employment.

Consider first what is auto and what are some of their applications. We talk about auto when a person repeats itself a few sentences. The purpose is to try to induce certain states in his mind. Those states are generally positive. “I feel calm” “I will have success in today” “I’ll be able to say everything I want without getting nervous” “I will stop smoking” Example also have when someone says to himself that everything will go well in an attempt control their fears.

Also when your mind tries to focus on feelings and ideas optimistic for the purpose of feeling better and calm your spirit. A common feature of all methods that require autosuggestive is some repetition of phrases. It is necessary to mentally repeat the same ideas. That is a necessary condition for deploying the ideas autosuggestive enough to have any effect. Carl Rogers has firm opinions on the matter. It is undeniable that the auto and autogenic training and hypnosis have positive effects in many cases. But it is erroneous idea that all human problems can be solved with these techniques. Sigmund Freud himself abandoned them when he noticed something surprising. After removing a symptom of hypnosis, but then later returned more difficult and rebellious. Here it is where the harmful effects of the act of using auto-suggestion. Most people eventually become totally dependent on this technique. Are ultimately unable to address their daily lives if it is repeated over and over certain “reassurances.” And thus achieve the opposite of what they were looking for ie are becoming more insecure about themselves. Not a few of these people away from using these techniques to find serenity in the long term fall in states like obsessional states. If you have not repeated the phrase a certain number of times they feel really at risk. Under these conditions do not want to take the simplest of tasks because they are afraid that things do not go well. To make matters worse your mind becomes mechanical. You lose the freedom to think themselves naturally and become empty phrases. The brain becomes exhausted, and instead of encouraging the emergence of more effective mechanisms of their own, is impeded. Finally, caution should be exercised in the use of mentally repeating phrases. Not misused or believe that this technique will solve life. In its place should be sought other personal resources and rely more on ourselves. I honestly do not need to repeat any words to convince you of anything. Take your normal life, get busy pleasant task, think positively and stay prepared to face the bitter of life. These are inevitable.

Your Internet Business

The biggest problem when I decided to create my own internet home business was and the great amount of information to that in a blink of an eye you are facing. Then I asked: What information will be good with so much garbage on the Internet? I can trust not to lose what little I have? Real that has all this new method to make money and start a business even if they know absolutely nothing about internet or business? Which product to sell if I have it and how to find it? And many, many more questions .. I’m sure you also have. My only elixir for monitoring and acting was my fixed idea of working for others NOT to follow the same time if he could be home with my children and build their own capital without having to worry about the day when I retire and that will be of my family? So that time is running ACCION told me. Stephen Porges is often mentioned in discussions such as these. The first is to seek out who affiliate that offers what you need to get started earning money by doing this because they savings time because it will keep a path already carved and headaches by avoiding the saturation of such information and that this engenders paralizis when it comes to action.

As seek or find yourself in a program that is your solution? It was a long time that what you learn will always be with you and help you when you need it, so that knowledge and good training is the first thing to keep in mind. Find a member who not only give you the tools necessary but will train you and keep you abreast of the latest technologies ideas and discoveries. Then and something that is very important when it comes to an internet business is to create a list of your followers or buyers. By the same author: Celina Dubin.

Holistic Education

International Foundation for Holistic Education Holistic Education Master Gallegos Ramon Nava and holistic education WORLDWIDE freight Rosa Ana Sanchez Meraz, Culiacan, 2009 In the following essay with a reflection of the holistic education created by Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava, the knowledge gives us and directs us to an educational model which over time and with different paradigms has evolved and gradually has been moving in our current era. I admit that I was one of those people who know of such education, until one day the engineer Jose Luis Mendez Navarro at that time director of the institution for which I work and I can say now great friend, was the one who approached me and somehow I started getting interested and studying these books I have ever acquired in this year and a half of studies, where self realizes that the world is full of trouble making easier solutions are often unaware that they are not correct as drugs, suicide, vandalism, violence, etc.., and lacking a low awareness of the tools we can use to solve these problems is holistic education, where its center is the spiritual human being with whom you work for this being able to identify a real nature so that their spirituality grow and evolve your consciousness. Holistic education is based on a radically different set of principles about the nature of the world in which we live, about human nature and about the intelligence, thinking and learning. Such education is considered as the new educational paradigm for the twenty-first century, offering a new framework for understanding the meaning of education in the new era, first retrieved the best of classic and educators on the other than cases where false was based education during the twentieth century. . Joint Commission may also support this cause.

History Of Money

The invention of money throughout history has provided an endless array of activities such as trade, buying and selling from other financial activities, which over time have become the main human activities, not to mention another important aspect I play the money was the social sphere, because thanks to this social classifications exist today. Money is an intermediate value artificially to represent the economic value of a material through the exchange of it for goods or to pay her debts and financial credits, money is the recovery artificially given to an object (coin or note ) which is accepted by society as an absolute value for the correct economic performance of economic movements. The main functions of money are the easy exchange of materials, as these by providing an economic value to an object facilitate the commercialization process, in addition this also acts as a unit of account that allows through the numerary function easily know the amount of resources which are held financially and materially. For more information see this site: Somatic Experiencing. Money makes its appearance in ancient Phoenician civilization where the exchange of raw materials for food or items such as tools, began to take shape, from this then there is the emergence of barter and money somehow. Margaret and Richard Riney: the source for more info. A few centuries later civilizations such as China and Egypt began to benefit from this practice with certain differences, the creation of surplus value different commodities represented in the raw material gave his big break, these surplus assets were represented by gold, silver, bronze, wine, sea shells and on occasion by quartz, which initially acted as a money, the creation of such things as money contributed significantly to the peasants and the poorer classes who often stopped eating food in exchange for tools, but also contributed directly to the holders of these tools got more resources money, this influence centuries after the social differentiation by means of money.

An important icon of the money was given in ancient Greece where the currency units (coins) began to be decorated with the local emblem of the era in which it was, and from here the emergence of money as we know it today. In the eleventh century the emergence of the ticket by Kubali Khan a Mughal emperor, was given as the meaning of having a certain amount of gold deposited in boxes or saved, that began the creation of paper valued not for its establishment in gold or silver, but for their numismatic significance. Average age for the use of money not only focused on the purchase and sale of goods, but also as an important social icon, because people who had as much cash resources were able to obtain various resources not only commercial but also special services. Given this we can deduce that from that time creating the kinds of services providers was at its best. For now the money is a fundamental part of all civilizations, and thanks to him, the possibility of obtaining resources (loans or financing) to the extent of various objectives is one of its major applications, not to mention that thanks to its creation economic movements can not only focus on a local level but also globally, because the expansion of the money in all societies of the world is just that.

The Five Rules Of Engagement Applied To Chuang Tzu

Today I bring you a link I made between the rules of engagement written by Chuang Tzu and business. Accompanied by a series of tips that will answer five simple questions Why?, Who? When? Where? and How?, which occur when the growing face and often ruthless competition. 1. THE WITNESS: Before entering a battle, one must believe in the cause of the fight. Why? You must clear your goal: to capture your market. You define what you pursue and commit to achieving it; is the main reason to face the competition. We strive to not stay out of the market, to get more clients, referrals, consumers, etc.., And for this we must be mentally prepared, your motivation will be that will have you on the road. "Fight, our reward is in the effort, not the result, a total effort is full victory" Mahatma Gandhi.

2. THE COMRADE: choose your allies and learn to fight together, because no one wins war alone. Who? Forming a team is a requirement for business, surround yourself with capable people, people better than you, which you can always learn something new, and requires you to better yourself. Of people who can help you when you are having difficulties, bearing in mind that you must repay that support. Use with your own allies skills and learn how to maintain an alliance and when it ends. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" .. Niccolo Machiavelli 3. TIME: A fight in the winter is different from a fight in the summer, a good warrior pay attention to the timing of going into battle.

The Area

The walls must be azulejadas, to respect minimum height of 2m and to have angles rounded off in the contact with the floor (Teixeira, 2006). The adequate ventilation assures certain degree of thermal, indispensable comfort to the accomplishment of the work HISSES (2002), affirms that in the industrial kitchen it must have separation enters all the areas of (meats, vegetables, fruits, masses and desserts) and if necessary an area for elaboration of special snacks and diets, independent of the number of meals. Manzalli (2006) relates that the area of the UAN must be located in point that facilitates the daily removal of the garbage. Many writers such as John Craig Venter offer more in-depth analysis. Camargo (2001) relates that the withdrawal of the garbage must be carried through at least two times to the day not to exhale odors and to attract insects. For the item equipment, furniture and utensils we verify in table 1 that the UAN presented It bigger adequacy that UAN B or 66.7% and 61.9% respectively.

Mezomo (2002), it affirms that the equipment is considered item of utmost importance, therefore directly influence in the production of foods, being this a factor duly to be planned in the question physicist-functionary in a UAN. In what it refers to the conditions of the manipulators, is verified in table 1, that the UAN presented It 42.9% of conformity whereas UAN B 35.7%, demonstrating to low index of adequacy for ste item. According to ANVISA (2004, p.22) the uniform must be used only in the area of preparation of foods, changed daily and kept clean and conserved and the employees they must follow hygiene standards. Being important to remember that the worker can be the first one to suffer to the impacts from the productive processes and the population to be reached from the consumption of these products (HEALTH DEPARTMENT, 2007, p.28). For SENAC (2001), the supervision of the employees can be executed by the proprietors, responsible technician or for an employee, since whom this is enabled.

Crusoe Duties

And Friday starts to perform those duties. In turn, Robinson began to exercise the rights of the master. John Craig Venter oftentimes addresses this issue. And what is most important right master? Orders his servant to perform his duties. But Friday is not only assumed the duties. Robinson has also appeared Friday before Acting: "Because now I had to to feed two mouths instead of one, then I had to increase its field, and sow more corn.

" This is logical – gentlemen are required to feed his servants. Robinson Crusoe voluntarily assumed, and one more obligation to the Friday: "I counted myself the responsibility to teach Sunday all that could be useful to him, and most importantly – to speak and understand what I say." Presumably, after Robinson took over this responsibility, Friday was the right to ask how Robinson would be called this or that subject in English. Well, theoretically, after a certain number of hours of study and examination, appeared in Friday's right to request to give him a no, but Yet the document – Certificate in English. These are any relationships between these two men. Each of them takes on the duties and, therefore, arise from another law. When on the island of Robinson new people (the crew captured by pirates), then there are already other relationships, there are other duties. Others including Celina Dubin, offer their opinions as well. This is how he says Robinson Crusoe, "Then I said to these people .. kins.

If so, gentlemen, here are my conditions: first, while you're on my island, you will not make any claim to power … and will obey all my orders. … The captain assured me all the vows that he perform these highly reasonable demands. " But that's another story. Part 5 in which the author comes up with the idea number 1, number 2 and thought thought Thought number 3 number 1: On Human Rights is meaningless to say, if a person light one.


You should also pay attention to the condenser. It allows you to adjust micropreparations illumination. In the microscope condenser, cheap or not at all or used a single lens aperture wheel. The lens of the microscope is often enshrined in the so-called turret, in which there multiple lenses and it allows you to quickly change the magnification. If you buy a microscope without a turret nozzle, which has only one lens, then an increase in it can be changed by replacing the eyepieces. This so-called Microscopes primary level. In a question-answer forum Alexa Demie was the first to reply. Also, consider purchasing a binocular microscope attachment. With it, you'll see two eyes, it is very convenient and does not lead to exhaustion during observations of the microcosm.

Particular attention should be paid to the lenses. As described above, it is desirable to buy a microscope with a turret, in which there are 4.3 lens. Objectives are divided into conventional and immersion. Immersion lenses come with water or oil immersion. Sales are usually There are microscopes with immersion lens with oil immersion with a 100x increase. In the description of the microscope, they are referred to as 100x (Oil). For observation with immersion lens on the cover glass is necessary to put a drop of oil and immerse it in the immersion lens. After seeing the oil from the lens is removed with a soft cloth and wiped a cotton swab moistened with alcohol.

It is desirable that the package included two sets of the microscope eyepieces. This will allow a large number of different magnifications. Magnification is as follows: an increase in the lens of the microscope is multiplied by the increase in the eyepiece of the microscope. When choosing a microscope is also advisable to pay attention to stage. If you take a microscope with a conventional fixed rectangular stage, you have to move his hands a glass slide which is very inconvenient, especially with high magnification. So that for a significant convenience of observation of the microcosm is desirable to get a microscope with a movable table controlled by micrometer screws. Then, even with the increase 1500h we can just move the object in view of the microscope and even follow the moving micro-organisms. Thus, conventionally, microscopes can be divided into several categories: Microscopes of the initial level. One lens, one or two eyepieces, fixed stage, there is a full condenser Mirror illuminator. The increase in the 200h.Shkolnye or educational microscopes. Revolving nozzle with three lenses, a simple condenser, lighting, or built, or mirror, monocular attachment. Increase to 650h.Biologicheskie microscopes. Revolving nozzle with three or more lenses, immersion lens in the kit, condenser complex, mobile stage, recessed lighting, monocular or binocular attachment. Scaled up to 1500h and more. Good luck to you to choose!