Orthodox Interior Patients

New doctor podcast by Dr. Bernd Frederich of living in Pfungstadt near Darmstadt and practicing physician Dr. med. Bernd Frederich has established an Internet portal at, where he runs a blog and a podcast subscription for patients with specific diseases. Dr. Bernd Frederich maintains a clinic as a doctor of internal medicine and psychotherapeutic medicine as well as a communication trainer as a doctor for FamilienPsychoSomatik site. In his blog, which is very understandable also for non medically trained ears, Dr. Bernd Frederich reported about his experiences from practice.

The patients seeking for Dr. Bernd Frederich after effective therapy, mainly suffer from internal diseases such as Atopic Dermatitis, psoriasis, asthma, heart disease, intestinal inflammation, spinal disorders, anorexia, bulimia, depression, Multiple Sclerosis, functional disorders, migraine, personality disorders and cancer. The experienced physician Dr. Bernd Frederich has for many years as a medical practitioner in a small town practiced. He has observed that the classic Orthodox Interior could hold with medicine not with the progress, laying other subjects such as the surgery, dentistry, the obstetrics or preventive hygiene on the day. To remedy this deficit, at least in treating his own patients, in the treatment of internal diseases with great success, he decided for a systemic (family therapy) approach. The method of the systemic approach was already developed in the United States in the 1960s and mid-1970s by Prof. introduced helm Stierlin also in Germany.

The systemic approach to the treatment of health problems can be summed up in four axioms: * not the patient is sick, but the relationship, in which he lives (family, work). * The patient is the alarm signal of a disturbed communication in the family or operational environment. * Fear occupied and faulty communication of a person with himself or his social environment can also bacterial and viral Trigger diseases. * There is always an interaction between mind and body and between people themselves. Dr. Bernd Frederich describes in his blog anonymously illustrative examples of the symptoms and the development of diseases and explains how he leads the patient with the help of psychotherapeutic medicine to a healthy and balanced life. All reports can be commented by patients, colleagues and visitors to its Web site. In this way creates a valuable experience from practice, developed as a major entry point for the patients. The doctor podcast by Dr. Bernd Frederich can be subscribed to for free via RSS or email. The physician, Systemiker, FamilienPsychoSomatiker and communication coach Dr. med. Bernd Fredrich with his innovative doctors blog shows how patients suffering from supposedly not curable chronic diseases, can find a way towards a group and balanced life. Contact information: Dr.

Naturopathic Medicine

‘ Cancer Benalu tea (tea parasite)’ from South-East Asia, the unique natural remedy now available in Europe! With anti-cancer Benalu tea (Scurulla atropurpurea – BL), will appear soon the Sun again! Substances of the unique Naturheilplanze will help. The tea, which was used by the Asians as a proven natural remedy against malignant cancer is clinically tested, scientifically researched for years and the offentlchkeit-known. see: Chem. Pharm. Bull. 51(3) 343 #345 (2003) cancer can endanger your life, fight with the methods of natural healing. Often the medicine reaches its limits, but there is still an alternative healing method, which you should apply with the unique natural remedies ANTI-cancer BENALU tea”.

BENALU tea of quality from the House of MEDIDENT s.l-COBLAVEST, is a parasitic plant which grows on the tea trees in the jungles of Southeast of Asia. This parasite evades the trees the best nutrients and substances the cancer radical combat. The immature cells that want to grow through angiogenesis (blood supply) to mature cancer cells, prevents the growth and dieback. Components of this tea are BBs: alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, Triterpene, Saponione and tannins. Substances, very active and effective are to prevent, cure and treatment of symptoms and broken from diseases such as cancer TUMOURS swelling, sores, bleeding, ulcers and inflammation, asthma, bladder stones, lumbago, cough allergies, useful also for the strengthening and strengthening the body resistance.

The active ingredients this tea go BBs through the digestive process in the bloodstream. This all body cells are met and immune system enhancement. This tea is recommended before, during, and after each surgery and chemotherapy. It prevents the development of remaining after chemotherapy recurrence (cancer growth). Remaining relapse like in chemotherapy is as good as closed. The opposite of the Chemotherapy, angiogenesis: cancer growth by blood supply to the cancer cells that were not reached by the chemo. It is regrettable that a recurrence often remains after chemotherapy, this leads inevitably to new cancer growth. The cancer cells build a new resistance and are usually even more dangerous. Anti-cancer tea (tea parasite) is also active as a preventive measure (prevention) constant taking, because the tea immediately intervenes. Literature Info: cancer cells like no raspberries! Laboratory and molecular medicine Canada, appeared in the Weltbild-Verlag. Praise and testimonials from cured patients, as well as the high response, point to the positive future of Naturopathic Medicine by Medident.


The pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) is a set of symptoms that appear before the menstruation. Approximately 85% of women between 20 and 40 years of age, realize that the days before their menstruation some changes undergo, can be more sensible or irritable than customary and this it can cause problems with his pair. When the physical and emotional changes cause problems in its daily life you can be suffering of the pre-menstrual syndrome. Although a specific cause does not exist, the blood and the effects have been related him to a hormonal imbalance due to the amount of estrogens in that produce on cerebral chemistry. Also they influence the levels of endorfinas and serotonin, chemical substances of the brain that play an important role in humor and the behavior. The symptoms The symptoms vary mainly from a woman to another one in intensity, although most frequent they are: Symptoms that affect the personality: Irritability Depression Anxiety Confusion Physical symptoms: Sensitivity in the sines Inflammation in the belly Headache and pain back Retention of liquids Dolores muscular Acne Treatment Traditionally, medecines are recommended to alleviate the symptoms of the PMS. Often the indirect effect of medecines can be worse than the symptoms. For that reason, many women now use quiroprcticos services for the lightening of the PMS. Although chiropractics does not cure the PMS, it has verified itself that the reestablishment of a optimum neural function through quiroprcticos adjustments, contributes to improve the severity of symptoms, pains, and the quality of life.

Wine From The Grape Merlot

The Merlot grape, is the first grapes of the season that curiously coincides with the period in which the birds devour their berries. This is how the origin of the word Merlot comes from the similarity between the color of the plumage of birds with the dark color of the berries. This grape is discovered until the 17TH century in the vineyards of Pomeril and Saint-Emilion and is until the end of the 19th century when spreads over the entire North of Italy. In fact, today is cultivated in 14 wine regions of this country, particularly in Venice where even there is a route of the Merlot. This grape always had considered how complementary ls Cabernet Sauvignon or Cabernet Franc. To how much reached notable proportions in the Pomerol bordeless, but however, nowadays it is common to find this grape varietal, mostly young people with an exquisite fragrance. The great advantages of this variety of grapes, is it acclimatizes them perfectly in different soils and different climates. Among the flavors that can be found in wines that made from this grape are spices, fruits, mint, chocolate, currant, and plum. A. Verastegui hold.mx original author and source of the article

Dandelion Wine

Here you can pick up a gift to your boss. Actually, there may be only one problem – the problem of choice. Solid gait pass by aircraft models (here you'll be back for his own pleasure later) and buy a solid board box for paper with the logo of the museum on the cover. This massive wooden casket closes on the small key and gives the impression of something confidential and weighty. It does not matter whether the boss to keep the documents out there or just drive the toy, it is important as it will add solidity to his image. With difficulty breaking away from the contemplation of art, so dear man's heart, it's time to think about what you can to please a woman's heart. Right there, all at the same store at the Museum of the Air Force, you bought a cute kulonchik-airplane, but feel that this is not enough to please your romantic half.

But do not worry! There is a technologically advanced of Ohio something that is arguably the quintessence of romance, something that can breathe the magic in any winter evening. This – Dandelion Wine. Admit it, when you read the novel by Ray Bradbury, you probably thought it was fiction, an allegory of a miracle. Maybe at first it was so, but now in Ohio, in Dover Every year a festival of dandelions. Dish of dandelions, crafts from dandelions, paintings, praising this humble flower and wine winery Breytenbah can see and buy it.

Divine Plan

We can, through our latent psychic powers, enhance the Light in you. However, we cannot change the bad decisions they can make, if they are wrong, then it must also learn through error and rectification of that error. If they commit any error, it is always because of their lack of connection with your Inner Being, because He will always show the right path. It is therefore vitally important for you to connect, but continuously, at least often with their inner consciousness, because that will ensure they take the right decisions and always choose the right path at all times. From our great Nave do what we can to help radiate more the Inner Light, and many of you do it with ease, although in some cases the ego or personality contacted our work very difficult, so we must be patient and wait for that person to work more on itself, until it becomes a more humble attitude in some cases or more gentle and harmless in others, to name two of the greatest obstacles we face. In any case, the help of our party is available to you at all times, and if our contribution does not achieve the expected benefit is a result of a conscious or unconscious block from the person we are trying to help.

Let therefore their selfish interests, the desire to highlight or to be admired, apart and carried out their work, if possible, quietly and without attracting attention. As the Maestro 2000 years ago, so “his left hand does not know what your right hand”, ie working for the good of the planet’s evolutionary plan, but without becoming noticeable to others, since all that should matter is the grain of sand that can provide . Yes, it’s just a bit, but a little grain here and there will make the overall mission a success and our planetary rescue work comes to fruition. The more of you selflessly offered to assist in the achievement of this Divine Plan, the greater the chance of success and a higher level. Continue your work without expecting any reward for their work, because they may want a world free of contamination and free of all opposition forces have taken control over you for millennia, and that will be reward enough. And that day, Believe me, it is not far away. With your help, and our cooperation, we will surely our efforts crowned with success.

Formatting Flash Drives

If your flash drive or flash memory card is out of order, is it worth fixing, that is, if you are missing content and can you restore it in other ways. If the information you are not too interested in just format the memory using the corresponding software (often included is a special CD). The same operation can be done with the help of your computer. If you want to save information from stick, then either contact the professionals and pay about 2 tr, or venture to try and repair it yourself. Up to you. If you decide to deal with the problem yourself, start with a sector copy. This will help utilities Paragon, Acronis and the like.

Sometimes, just go to Control Panel, select Administrative Tools, and from there go to Computer Management and Disk Management. In this case, check running “skandiskom.” But this method does not always work. If does not work, resort to programs like R-Studio, GetDatBack, RecoverMyFiles, EasyRecovery, etc. These programs provide the ability to copy information without changing the data structure. However, using these programs, carefully monitor your actions and contact directories or specialized forums, if in doubt. After all, haste can lead to irretrievable loss of data. Very often Leather USB flash drive USB flash drive or a flying stop to recognize the computer. In this case, the message “Insert CD in the drive ….” Cope with a special tool to help you.

Each model, the stick fit their own program. To do this, you can turn to the Internet. Which shows the base for more than 700 models of flash drives. There are situations in which flash drive is working, but can only work with USB ports of the motherboard. It sways in the particularly flash drives Transcend JetFlash (flash drive, a rabbit, flash drive, pen). Do not try to connect them to the front extension cords or connectors PC. In this case, it’s just useless. If you have problems with copying data from a flash drive, you want to download the driver device manufacturer, choose the appropriate utility and perform low-level format. However, there is a risk that after this procedure, part of the stick still remains unavailable. Some useful tools for flash drives can be found on the Internet. To fit Jetflash Transcend Jetflash 120 Recovery Tool. FLASH DOCTOR RUSSIAN v1.0.2 fairly universal and suitable for different types of flash drives and memory cards. Flash Memory Toolkit 1.1 allows you to make a diagnosis and some remedial measures for various flash drives. Utility HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool to format various flash drives and not take up much space on the disk. If you plan to work with restoration photos and videos, you will F-Recovery. Today the market is extremely saturated with software – you just select the desired program and its version.

Genetics And Bodybuilding

Many authors of books about bodybuilding, I will not advertise them here created such a view of the genetic potential of man, which many newcomers discourages exercise. People are not related to bodybuilding There is opinion that if you have bad genetics, you do without steroids or proteins "to no avail. However, this is not true. Certainly the genetic potential is of paramount importance and if you're a typical ectomorphy and bone in your narrow, Of course you will be slower to progress your friend endomorphs with broad bone, or even the mesomorph. But it is not necessary because of the cast to do, not everyone is given a genetic predisposition to bodybuilding, but proper nutrition and regular exercise will thrust his job and a couple of years you will have a completely different person. Now the Internet are many good sites on bodybuilding, where you can find many useful, associated with the iron sport, most importantly learn how to differentiate them from those created by amateurs, that bar is in the hands not kept, or raised a couple of times. So do not stop and go for their goals gradually, small steps in the words of the great Dorian Yates, and all you get. Good luck to you in this wonderful sport and do not forget to visit my site.

Xenon Used In The Manufacture Of Plasma Screens

Parktronic – loyal assistant motorist? Trying to squeeze into the limited space can cause damage to the bumper (well, if only his) … corks in alleys, streets and highways – an integral part big city. But there is still a pretty sick problem of motorists – scored the curb. Lack of space for parking leads to the fact that drivers have to show the maximum uptake for In order to park your car and do not break the rules. Trying to squeeze into the limited space can cause damage to the bumper (well, unless a). Broken bumper on the Russian "nine" owner can solder, and continue to go further. Appearance of the car in this case will not be affected (for the bumper and black square as a brick).

A little more will buy in the store a new bumper, but in this case the damage purse holder would be minimal. A small foreign car bumper damage of the last century would cost the owner much more expensive. Depending on the make and model, the bumper (and related parts) would cost the owner machines in the $ 200-500. To this sum must be added selection of colors (some bumper painted body color), work painter and installation work on the bumper. But the cost of the bumper car of this century exceeds all reasonable limits. To avoid this happened – there is a device called the Specialized Parktronic. The simplest option – it is a set of sensors, speaker and control box.

Fast Reader

The perception is the way in which written words are captured visually. To improve their perception and their ability to capture the words within the text blocks, you should pay special attention to their view and the factors which affect them and influence their reading. The techniques that I will give in this article, will help you to train your sight and to improve the perception. As a result, be able to read faster, because how much better is their perception, the greater your reading speed and comprehension capacity. The factors influencing the perception can be divided into two groups: material factors: include the lighting conditions and the State of the eyes.

Psychological factors: refer to the attitude we adopt while reading, and include the tranquility, distension and attention. Importance of lighting: there is nothing more inadvisable to read in low light. This makes the view you get tired and your performance decrease. Always prefer natural light, if this is not possible to look for the way to illuminate from different angles his place of reading. Generally, simply two artificial lights, one of general lighting to the room, and other specific and more intense, that approach their work or study table. Buena vista: consult a medical doctor before commencing work with the techniques of speed reading. For this reason, it is important to make pauses after a prolonged period of reading and relax its view correctly. Put them into practice everytime you read, starting today.