Medication and Pain

Much easier to swallow a pill and calm down on this. It does not matter that "thinks" with the liver, stomach, heart … the main thing – we quickly did something to improve health. And, it's probably something to help – otherwise in pharmacies were no queues … Long-term effects us, basically, are not worried.

It hurts something now! And this hour the pain should be removed. Do not touch deeply here a question that any pain – this is, in fact, saved for our body. This is a direct signal about where the problem is in the body. And if we removed pain medications (pills, injections), this does not mean that we have coped with the real problem, which is present in our body. We have just drowned the pain … DENS device will work with the reason for definition.

The phone will cope with many irregularities in the state of health – just give him time. And, most importantly – to treat something you will not the phone itself, and your own body! DENS not simply removes the pain syndrome … The device sends low-frequency current pulses, which penetrate into the skin by no more than 1 mm, interact with our nervous system – and so it is something the central control of our bodies – and starts a cascade of local reactions (improving blood circulation, nutrition, nerve conduction, etc.), leading to functional recovery of organs and systems. And believe there should only in the fact that your body knows better than you (or rather your ego), which where and in what sequence it should be restored. DENS device simply helps a disturbed equilibrium (a state of health – this is the balance in the body) to recover by running the self-healing mechanisms – Through the effect on the nervous system. DENS-therapy – is evidence-based medicine. To date, numerous medical studies, including placebo, on various fronts, most various clinics and research institutes of the country and abroad. Our senior staff are involved in national and international scientific symposiums, exhibitions, medical equipment, and TV. And the question I BELIEVE, DO NOT BELIEVE just ridiculous, really. Believe it or not can be in something that can not be verified or disproved. Here is the solution simply to horrible – take it and do that – and you will be the result. In support of these words – solving problems with health users DENS devices, which for 12 years existence of the corporation DENAS MS – more than a million people. Do not have a machine right now – ask your neighbor, friend to help you cope with illness. No such DENS device in a close circle of friends? Contact your nearest DENAS Center. Call DENS consultant. You are invited to a presentation to the office or come directly to your home or work and conduct demonstration session, it is free. DENS devices do an excellent job with the problem of non-drug treatment and prevention of diseases – heal, restore, relieve pain and swelling and even diagnose the condition of the body! (But that's another story). So, do you personally still do not believe in the DENS-therapy? .. Listen, look at the experiences of others … And finally, try it yourself.

The Chimney

Furnace flue must not have horizontal segments longer than 1 m. When passing Chimney through walls, ceilings or roofs should be used through-connections are made in accordance with the rules of fire safety. Safe installation of chimney flue should eliminate contact channels with electrical wiring, gas pipelines and other utilities. To clean the chimney at its base should provide a removable part (a glass) or a hole with a door. When an internal installation option vertical sections of the chimney of metal pipes are indoors. Flue pipes (tubes) are placed in internal walls and partitions. Outputs the chimney through the roof and floor decks with Special walk-through pipe.

When you install the chimney inside the mines is necessary to provide the door, enabling easy access to the inspection hole. If an inspection hatch located near impossible glass, allowed the extension of the chimney to the inspection hole. As a tip the chimney in mining performance should apply fairing mouth. For external installation option, vertical sections of chimney placed outside the building with a side terminal through the wall, subject to the warming of the outer pipe section to prevent condensation of moisture from the discharged products of combustion. The chimney is attached to special brackets wall. Flue pipes (tubes) that are usually placed at the internal walls and partitions of incombustible materials. The vertical sections of the chimney of metal pipes are placed outside the building to the side of the through the wall, provided the outer insulation of the pipe portion.

Spiritual Intelligence

Peace is something alive, awake trying to subjugate the forces of war holistic education only implemented from the initial levels of the schools can achieve a culture of peace in their students, current mechanistic models promote educational in that sense the internal belligerence in students, as if in combat is the slogan winners and losers, where are awarded to the former and the latter are excluded. From this perspective, the educational model does not fulfill its role of ethics and comprehensive training, to become the quintessential, exclusionary and discriminative. In the book "Intelligence Spiritual (beyond multiple intelligences and emotional), Dr. Gallegos reveals spirituality as transformative moves us, mature us, frees us from fear, and ignorance of the units of our true nature and through she assumed responsibility for our own enlightenment, spirituality gives us power, confidence and certainty. So far only have been written on the second level of intelligence, but the third level of intelligence is the top level and corresponds to the spiritual understanding that is uniquely human and its base is wisdom, that is, the holistic vision capability a really deep and meaningful interpretations.

It is the transcendence, going beyond the material, the biological from the psychic, is the transpersonal intelligence, multiple intelligences beyond (until now considered in some models of education), religion, psychology paranormal, or personal development. Spirituality has been present in man to Throughout its history, sometimes hiding other periods of time standing out, is perennial philosophy, is universal love. This book takes us from the hand so that we ourselves find that spiritual intelligence, being an inside job that only be achieved through the Auto inquiry. The book "Education for Life and Peace. Beyond the quality of education.

Dr. Gallegos has masterfully central aspects of holistic education, and some of them, the nature of holistic vision, spirituality, new awareness, obstacles to a comprehensive vision, learning, intelligence, role of educator and inclusive society. It also offers the most significant dialogues 6 lectures given at the World Education Forum Holistic based in Guadalajara, Jalisco. CONCLUSIONS Dr. Ramon Gallegos Nava, has helped us to recognize meaning rigor connections characteristics of different types of approaches are currently showing in the educational environment. But here most important issue is the general reflection on what I tried, among other things to capture in this essay. Historicism, Dr. Gallegos highlights the aspect of spirituality, from the Kantian position that Western culture has sought to eliminate by reducing the person and the entire society the concept of "human nature"; "rational man", thus erasing potential of individual subjectivity and canceling the same as the basic sense of compassion that individuals deployed in community. The high value that societies have given reason and the scientistic approach, has done more than distract and marginalize the significance of other aspects of the individual and society that has to do with his current life, as would be the beauty, values supreme humanity. Dr. Gallegos has clarified that holistic education is not only an educational alternative, but a life education, as the four pillars of learning have been made by the Commission for the XXI Century Education of UNESCO. '.

European Measures

3. Be happy. As a healer, I see every day that most of the diseases and physical problems are consequence of situations unresolved emotional or mental bodies. The concerns, suffering, not being able to love enough, lack of awareness of who we are, not make us as human beings, not to follow our purpose in life, the inability to forgive, all this are some of the reasons why we get sick. They are not always avoidable, but with a good formation, training and a little guide, many Yes can be avoided or solved until they escalate into a disease. It is our responsibility to accept this fact and take appropriate measures. And when we have to go to a therapist, is very important to remember the best thing is to create a team formed by the doctor’s header, the specialist they are needed, and a healer who collaborate in the healing process, facilitating it and complementing it. In some European countries, measures are being taken to involve more patients.

For example, smokers have to pay more for your insurance doctor. Some obese people should reduce certain amount of weight before undergoing certain operations that are not urgent. I think that if we do not awareness of that we get sick because we are not careful, will a point that such measures are going to generalize. Personally, I think that if we start to change and educate our children to develop healthy habits from the beginning, we can get the next generation to be healthier and make better use of medical resources. In summary, we are responsible for our health, with an emphasis on prevention and focusing on healthy living. The Governments are to provide us with adequate means and therapists to collaborate with us when needed. But our health is in our hands, not in theirs.

To speak about responsibility not implies guilt. Being responsible for something means being aware of what you can do, and do it. There are no excuses. Almost everyone knows what is good and what not, and who do not know has plenty of resources to train and learn. To blame is: either not have realized by ignorance or apathy, or be aware and not do anything about it. And you, honestly, which Group belong?

Biological Networks

I am the biological networks that supports each and every one of the species inhabiting me you my beloved human included. Gaia lately has been writing, commenting on the end of the world, sobe which brought prophecies, especially that of the Mayans and everything concerning to the year 2012, specifically in December of that year. Some will say Wiles, fantasies, perhaps others will take it a little more seriously, considering what messages contain, what we have predicted for this year. There is a popular saying that says that when the River sounds stone brings, so before this excitement you have to stop and evaluate what. He has been written, that the beliefs and ideas are not only product of the mind, also are mental beings that have life and power. We need to be well aware that since the beginning of mankind was born the noosphere-sphere of the things of the spirit – with the unfolding of the myths and gods. From fully our souls and our minds, the noosphere It is in us and we in the noosphere.

. Indeed, there is already a movement of publicity about this year, which has interested many, as happened with the predictions of Y2K that nothing happened. A book named December 2012 of Juan Carlos Garcia, who many consider that it is commercial, has appeared regardless of the information that can bring. The fact, that the objective of this article is to delve into the evidence presented with respect to this year. .

mundoprofecias. com presents a writing of journalist Kate Ravilious ten theories about end of the world 2012 namely: theory of Reinhard Stindl, doctor of Medicine of the University of Vienna, climate change: at the end of this century is possible that gases greenhouses have doubled and that the global temperature has increased at least two grades. This is more heat of what Earth has experienced in the last million and a half years.

Phytotherapy Research

And by the research I do reading bibliographies to assist me during my illness. I know that it also has its usefulness in the treatment of headaches, neuralgia and some allergic conditions. The modern attention has focused on its protective and regenerative effects of the liver. The modern research confirms this usage. An article published in 1991 in the important Euro magazine notes that milk thistle is undoubtedly the pharmaceutical agent better documented for the treatment of diseases of the liver. Silymarin is the main protective compound in milk thistle liver. This compound mainly present in seeds acts as an antioxidant in cells of the liver protecting them from damage due to free radicals.

Silymarin also increases the liver’s ability to regenerate through the production of new healthy cells. Also It improves the ability of the liver to remove toxins from the body. Numerous studies confirm the beneficial effects of silymarin in cases of chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and fatty degeneration of the liver. The most dramatic effects occur in cases of toxic hepatitis and cirrhosis. According to a study published in October 2006 in the journal Phytotherapy Research, Silymarin also has the ability to help people suffering from diabetes type 2 to control their glucose levels and reduce the level of glycation, i.e.

the amount of hemoglobin that is attached to glucose molecules, this is a harmful process that occurs at high levels and is the cause of many of the complications of this disease in diabetics. The best way to manage the Thistle is through capsules standardized a content of 140 mg of Silymarin. You can start with one capsule twice a day and increase to three times a day if necessary. The te of milk thistle does not seem to be as effective as the capsules since Silymarin is one a substance that does not dissolve very well in water. Because I wanted to with this article, give my testimony of a poisoning that I suffered where liver enzymes went up to a high level, thanks to the milk thistle tablets could restore liver functions, and now everytime I do natural treatments or I have to eat antibiotics, treatment for ten days taking these natural tablets to detoxify the liver, which is a vital organ that everyone should appreciate much by its important role. It is not a prescription check with your doctor if you have questions about what you explain, but is sold without a prescription in all pharmacies and can read the bottle.

Jim Rohn

And I don’t want you to think that details but not important, if they are imported. Accumulation law says that each success is matter of hundreds or thousands of small efforts that often are not noticed or appreciated. Everything counts. Anything helps or hurts you. Nothing is neutral. The problem is when you get you into small stuff before learning the basics. Less detail produce fewer results. Most basic produce greater results.

You do not become an expert of minor things. Apply yourself in the fundamentals and then continuous with the smallest details. And remember, as Jim Rohn says, you always doubt that someone who says that he has found a new fundamental. 4 Know your calorie dietary factor more important in fat loss is not how many grams of carbohydrate, protein or fat you consume, calories are the most important for fat loss. Eat more than what you burn in a day and acumularas fat. Eat less than what you burn in a day and you will lose fat. It’s that simple.

I’m surprised how many people say sincerely wanting to lose fat and admit not having any idea of how many calories they consume. Seriously, if you don’t know how much those eating, how can you expect to make a profit. Have you ever thought that your only problem may be that those eating more? do you realize account that much of anything is accumulated in the body as fat? So even if you’re not eating anything other than natural healthy food, if you’re eating more than you need, you will store as fat. Friend, measure your portions measured your! lots!. On the other hand, it may be that you’re eating less and doing slow your metabolism. There is only a thin line. For more details on daily calorie needs, read my article on calorie calculator **. 5.

Natural Products For Losing Weight

When we begin a diet hope to get good results, that is to say, lose those pounds more than both bother us in the shortest possible time let me tell you that this is not the best result for our body. The real achievement is to lose weight and do not retrieve more, i.e. in the healthiest way possible. You’ll be asking then how is this possible, if you have already tried thousands of products to lower weight and none have thinned. Naturals to lose weight acai berry is the healthier option, since no other food is so complete and perfect health. What is the secret of the ACAI BERRY the acai is a fruit that grows on Palms in the Amazon and today is world renowned for its health benefits, both to lose weight as for rejuvenation.

It is considered a natural source of energy. The acai berry is especially indicated to lose weight by being composed of antioxidants which kill free radicals from our cells, avoiding of This way we feel tired and with lack of energy when we do a diet. This food also gives us vitamins and minerals essential for our body, this shape helps us to lose weight without neglecting the vital functions of our body. Acai berry also regulates the level of sugar in blood and decreases LDL (cholesterol) improving our quality of life. Another great contribution that brings us the acai berry to our lives is to help us combat the great enemy of these times: stress. The acai gives us a great concentration of seretonina, decreasing anxiety and relaxing our brain. As the best is always left to the latest, virtue that more is going to be of interest of this food is that it speeds up your metabolism. This means that all natural products for weight loss, acai berry is the only one who can make your metabolism to burn calories more quickly and easily, in a natural way, without damaging your health.

Is everything mentioned previously that acai berry is listed by health professionals as a superfood. You must only be careful and mostly constant, i.e. every day consume acai berry as part of our meal plan. If you embrace your life this magnificent food you’ll see any there other option of natural products for losing weight original author and source of the article

Ear Noise

According to recent studies, less than forty percent of the people who suffer from a constant noise in the ear seeks help in specialists. Find causes that they have produced, is a task the otolaryngologists through the implementation of an extensive questionnaire and studies (audiometry, resonances, CT scans and blood tests) to discover which is the origin carried out constant ear noise and be able to combat it. These noises are generally described as palpitations, ringing, beeps or heartbeat and determine its cause is fundamental and he is scientifically known with the name of tinnitus or tinnitus. In many cases the symptoms disappear once the causes which produced it disappears, but when this does not happen, it is necessary to apply complex and prolonged treatments to try to reduce the constant noise in the ear. The first treatment that was applied with success was as generators of noise or masking. These small devices, similar to the headphones, produce a frequency, music or sound, that help you the patient let perceive the noise of tinnitus. This technique has been supplemented in recent years by the so-called therapy of rehabilitation to tinnitus, where the focus is on time in helping the patient to live with the symptoms unless they alter their normal life. For this are used group therapy where patients can share their experiences and feel supported and some drugs that have as main objective to improve circulation and reduce anxiety and stress levels.

With regard to this last point, the stress (as well as tobacco, alcohol and coffee) increase the symptoms of the disease, so it is essential to perform relaxation therapies and decrease the consumption of stimulants above has been shown. The constant noise in the ear does not have a specific cure, but that each case is different. It is essential that you consult your doctor so that you can determine the best therapy to implement. There is a method of little known but very effective is guaranteed to make the tinnitus disappear forever. If you want to read as I personally I managed to accidentally eliminate tinnitus, please Click here.

Sanatan Dharma

Rules of love for the Kriya Yoga wants all mankind wants all nature wants all creation loves God above all loving all around you try your love making an honest and useful work try your love making others happy try his love being in love with the opposite gender test your love sharing everything with all in concreteKriya is a specific meditation technique which accelerates human evolution and which leads to the realization of God. It was revived in the modern age by the immortal guru, Babaji and brought from India to the Western world in the early 20th century by Paramhansa Yogananda. To be able to successfully practice Kriya, is meticulous preparation Anandaespanol org. It tells us that we take into consideration, Kriya Yoga form part of a body of teachings than in the India called Sanatan Dharma, and that Yogananda called self-realization. In his book the hindu path of the Lighting, Swami Kriyananda writes: Sanatan Dharma, properly understood, takes its root in the foundations of the universe. As teaching, does not exclude any practice that is designed to ennoble and elevate the mind, to awaken the selfless love in the heart, to inspire longing for the truth, to loosen the chains of the egotism and selfishness, and deepen our awareness of what is in opposition to what appears to be.Said more simply still, the goal of Sanatan Dharma is twofold: the elevation of human consciousness, on one hand, and the expansion of our identity through love, on the other, so that we embrace all life and all reality as ours. Any practice that it will encourage people in this direction, even if it not so specifically defines the goal, legitimately belongs to the domain of Sanatan Dharma. Original author and source of the article.