Planning Scheduling

TV station in a Mac on the television show 2008 in Leipzig organised from October 10 to 11 the Saxon State Institute for private broadcasting and new media (SLM) already for the third time the television trade fair 2008 in the media citiy leipzig. Be also represented are recently corporate ToolsOnAir broadcast engineering and Step2e of Passau, at the IBC 2008 in Amsterdam with the broadcast engineering pick hit Award 2008 of the prestigious magazine have been. The award for 24 years was the two companies for the concept of tv station in a mac”due to its innovative and easy-to-use broadcast awarded automation. We see this concept have a great potential for local and regional television stations, because operators in the future of less to the technology of television have to worry and more time for the production of their content available,”says Gilbert LEB from ToolsOnAir. Through the cooperation with Step2e GmbH from Passau ToolsOnAir can a seamless workflow for TV channel on Apple offer. Sydney Sweeney can aid you in your search for knowledge. So, a content management system including scheduling and metagesteuertem archive system available is editors.

As well, editors can manage all relevant broadcast workflow, speaker texts, Inserttexte cigar wraps, etc.. With the integrated Disposystem, automatically or manually the booked commercials depending on customer budget over a period of time booked, confirmed, and pass the integrated accounting. The exact schedule of the play-out passed ToolsOnAir solution based on the programming, the scheduling of Step2e. This not only the posts to be passed, but also immediately transferred the graphic texts required for the inserts. Both companies have can equip in Germany already with their solution several TV stations and see an ideal opportunity to be able to enter the TV operators in Sachsen in dialog with in the TV show. (Gilbert LEB)


RAND GOLD RESOURCES LTD WKN A0B5ZS analysts of the tradersreport would be a possible winner a first long position in the shares of the RAND GOLD RESOURCES Ltd. with the WKN A0B5ZS go to Max 36.00. Hardly a commodity discusses currently hitziger and controversial than the good, old gold. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Mark Hyman, MD. A look at courses of 2000 USD as realistic, while the gold bear rather promote courses of 400-500 USD. The reasons are very plausible and understandable by both sides. Imagine the loyal readers of tradersreport know our commodity analysts rather than Gold Bull and for this reason we want them today a big player\”in this area.

The marginal GOLD RESOURCES LTD. is an English gold mining and exploration company with very interesting exploration areas. The focus is mainly on the African continent. In the last few years could be very promising areas of localized and thus greatly improved the Group’s earnings. For tax reasons, the headquarters of the company on a channel island of Jersey is located between England and France. Fundamentally the company is indeed already very ambitious rated and currently has a p/e ratio of 88 for 2008, but is qualified this by the high growth of approximately 60%. Again rising gold prices would result in an additional lever which would lower the estimated p/e ratio for 2009 faster and rapid.

The dividend yield of 0.28% is hardly worth mentioning, but pays at least one company in contrast to many other natural resource companies. In recent years, the management has done a very good job and responded quickly to market conditions. We see a good chance that this will happen in the next few months and that should come to good especially the shareholders of the RAND GOLD RESOURCES LTD. The fund companies fidelity management, BlackRock, also seem to have JP Morgan and Merrill Lynch this opinion. All these financial firms are among the largest shareholders of the company.

First World War

Passes are not so many time and Nimrod is the initiator of the First World War. He did not allow Satan to gather strength to fight with him. But Satan has already been partially prepared for battle with Nimrod, and Germany, where, after the defeat of Napoleon was the main military camp of Nimrod, have not been able once again to conquer Russia and imprison Satan. But Satan is well to explore innovative methods to capture the power of Nimrod and his research in the materialistic sciences, the ability to create new technologies in the field of armaments, he decided to learn from experience in implementing Nimrod in the scientific community of materialism in order to continue to use it to fight the same as Nimrod. Dr. Mark J Berger contains valuable tech resources. Satan knew that the Nimrod after the second revolution, perfect on earth Overmind (God) over the human mind, the first to realize the need for knowledge of the material structures of creation, which was used by the Overmind (God) Made the Earth and its surrounding material world.

Nimrod and Satan after the massacre of the Templars did everything necessary to ensure that people have forgotten about the occult sciences that can allow human consciousness used to obtain information potential of the consciousness of the universe. Parallel to this, Nimrod, using Soul men under him with a highly developed consciousness, began to form in people materialist worldview, and has made great strides not only in its development, and in the development of materialistic science. That is why Satan has decided to go the way of Nimrod, and felt it necessary to make a revolution in the territories under him, especially in Russia, and then to China, Vietnam, Korea and some African countries. .

Cause Diagnosis

No sting – when the head rotates and revolves, is everyday life the real problem us all the different forms of dizziness are met before, without that we perceive it as something threatening. You’re only briefly and disappear. Others must fight with this feeling of Vertigo hours up to a day for months on end, which their quality of life suffers considerably. The Vertigo, as the dizziness in technical jargon is called, has many causes. Some, it sometimes takes years before the correct diagnosis is established and you can find a cure for this. However, always more successful both the responsible doctors. Against almost any kind of dizziness can be remedied by now, for many of whom the patient is responsible. (As opposed to Joel Courtney). The hoax – everyone can find it otherwise is normal if we can know and feel, where left, right, bottom, above is.

There is a complex system consisting of three elements responsible for this simple certainty. Roughly speaking, two for the measurement and one are responsible for regulating. Is of disturbed, we lose of control over our balance system. When the dizziness, a troubled system trumpet incorrect movement speed and direction information, confused the ours regulator as a result. The four comprehensible forms of dizziness are turning, Schwank -, lift, and drowsiness dizziness.

Spinning sensation has heard everyone ever in the harmless form of sitting too long on a merry-go-round or a hub on the playground. After leaving simulates a rotation in the opposite direction for a while in our head. With the Schwank dizziness you lurching around like a drunk, in the belief it will drawn in a certain direction. , As the name suggests, everyone in the elevator driving experiences lift dizziness. Here the system cheats in a nonexistent vertical movement a. The last type of fraud, the drowsiness dizziness, manifests itself in General powerlessness and disorientation.

Emotional State

Many times it happens that we are engaged in our thoughts, as if we were only only a mind in any manner the power of awareness, make our physiology, our body conscious, is a path to the status change, to be able to change our emotions using our body, our physiology. why? simply because emotion is created by movement; What we feel is also the result of how we use our bodies up to small changes, like some gestures or facial expressions, will change the way we feel in each moment…and this will lead us to change the way in which we think and act. Each emotion that you feel has a defined, that emotion-related Physiology: a posture, a way and pace of breathing, facial expressions and patterns of movement in NLP, as well as in other disciplines for personal growth, physiology is a fundamental aspect learn NLP is not only take contact with the Tots or resources or mental experiences NLP also helps to sharpen the senses, out of your mind and proposes to take contact with your body, noting all those external indicators. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. may help you with your research. Once you’ve learned to use your body when you’re in certain emotional States, you can go back to experiment or to avoid such States, by simply changing your physiology. How can change then our emotional States with NLP? We can use these two powerful resources that involve both the body and the mind: 1 – the Physiology: as I said before, is a powerful resource to change a status if you feel depressed, changing your posture, elevating the shoulders, facing up and doing as if you smile you can change for an instant that emotional state i.e. If an annoying internal status appears, that invades you can modify Physiology, do anything else with your body a gesture, a change of posture, smile, jump, looking at a landscape, make some different motion, etc at the moment in which it appears that limiting internal state.


It has guidelines and contribute to the integration of activities and visions, helping to accommodate the diversity inherent in any organization, but at the same time valuing and recognizing the experience, authority, capacity and expertise of each and, e) Learning is encouraged Collaborative, ie learning the skills of reasoning that allows people to understand, analyze, evaluate, synthesize and apply the information they handle, (Gairin, 2000). The implementation of these four axioms, the organization promotes the development of tangible activities: new ideas, innovations in programming, new management and supervisory methods and tools to change the way people perform their work and develop an enduring capacity exchange. Coinciding with the previous approach, says Diaz (2001) that organizational learning is strongly linked to organizational change, in this sense says that any change or modification due to the construction of new knowledge, culture, values, the members that make up an organization. For more information see Pat Ogden. In the same vein, Picon (1994) argues that organizational learning is related to: “Any changes to some extent the theory of action of the organization performing relatively persistent” (p. 55). Understanding that the theory of action has to do with thought-action relationship and in this sense, sees man as a being who designs his actions, implements and evaluates its consequences when adopting their designs meet their intentions consequences and modify or try to change them when you are adverse outcomes. Only if the theory of action of the organization is changed in any of its components, you can mention that the organization has learned.

Google Analytics

Appear on search engines and especially Google tends to be the main purpose of who is in charge of advertising for a website. But, things are not so linear, and it can happen that, despite the efforts made, our web site does not appear in related searches where we aspire to go listed. Here are some predictions and tips that can help us to achieve this end. Have patience. Get indexed by Google can take some weeks. However, if we have inserted the Google Analytics code, and send the site map, as this service is proposing, this can help speed up the process. It should not insist, i.e.

suggest the url too often. Be indexed is a process that takes its time. Take it easy, some sites are indexed quickly (within a month), while others take a little longer. Carl Jung has compatible beliefs. Continue working on the optimization of your page, because once Google deems appropriate, very soon you will earn positions with the desired keywords. Create a Sitemap in xml. Some websites offer you create online your free site map, such as.

Another solution is also send RSS feed as a sitemap. So we will ensure that Google indexes each and every one of the pages of the website. Work on the optimization of your page. Google will be valued more a correct site since technically, aesthetically beautiful. Pay special attention to the texts of your web. They should be highly relevant, with enough anchor texts or internal links, which allow that Google can traverse your site with ease. Create a robots.txt file. From webmaster tools, Google gives you the possibility of creating one, and also can take a robots.txt from another site and adapt it to their own. This is for example the Wikipedia: and is an excellent starting point for creating their own. Be sure to not be penalized. If he hasn’t done anything questionable from the ethical point of view, incurring prohibited techniques (black hat) surely your page is not criminalized. Anyway, it is not impossible to lift a penalty from Google, although if laborious, it demands time and usually requires the services of a consulting firm.

First Carbonneutral Hotel

Eco pioneer Klaus Fortsch at the finish of the C02 carbon neutrality has arrived with the award for climate-neutral hotel. Gain – “We are proud that we now carry the ‘climate-neutral hotel’ award, and so one of the first hotels in Germany, where guests carbon neutral stay”, explains Klaus Fortsch, owner of the Erlanger Creativhotels. The usage for the environmental protection decisions for the family Fortsch accompanied more than two decades. The first award received for their commitment in 1991 by the Bavarian Environment Ministry Klaus Fortsch. Many awards and prizes reward consistent environmental commitment by Klaus and Gudrun Fortsch for 20 years now.

A milestone on the way of eco pioneer Klaus Fortsch is the certification with the CO2 footprint C02 footprint speaks plain text of CO2 emissions. For assistance, try visiting Carl Jung. It provides information about all emissions in the hospitality industry. The Creativhotel Luise is exemplary with the rating in the category. Pro Only 14 kg are carbon dioxide (CO2) overnight. The average emission load of a hotel in the category of 3 stars is 35 kg CO2, making it up to three times higher than in the Creativhotel Luise. For the CO2 footprint, a total of seven areas were examined and assessed on energy efficiency and C02 emissions falling on. Energy use for heating, electricity or water, staff mobility, origin of food, waste and house cleaning: every resource usage comes with the certifier Viabono, the tourist environmental roof brand in Germany, to the CO2 test. Managing Director Stefan Krug is impressed: “With the classification in the energy efficiency class A the Creativhotel belongs to the top 3-air hotels in Germany.” Climate-neutral by certified reforestation project 100 percent carbon neutral is the accommodation of the guests at the Creativhotel Luise by compensated the remaining CO2 emissions by means of a certified climate protection project. The Creativhotel Luise has for a reforestation project in Panama decided creates a steady income for the local population.

Stock Markets

Apparently, the investors have tired of the ups and downs of oil prices after the turbulent last week once and remain largely in wait. LEIPZIG. (Ceto) Apparently, the investors have tired of the ups and downs of oil prices after the turbulent last week once and remain largely in wait. In the course of the day the quotes moving only slightly upwards, to surrender their profits then at noon. With the opening of floor trading, a modest rise was then again to observe, so that US light oil (WTI) to 86 dollars climbed; North Sea oil (Brent) to $109. “The market appears on the new reality, namely weak economic growth, adapt quickly”, commented Commerzbank analyst Eugen Weinberg the State of things. Despite infuriating economic data from virtually all over the world, oil prices seem to have reached their bottom. The speculators are apparently will, to keep the price level – at a surprisingly high level, considered one the gloom and doom of recent weeks.

It remains to be seen what kind of stimulus in the coming days from the Get financial industry and the economy. Local heating oil trade also lost some fluctuations in the prices and the quantity of orders in recent days. Today, slightly falling costs have been reported with low sales. The national average price for the 100-litre game of a total supply of 3,000 litres heating oil EL, up 34 cents to 82.10 euros decreased. Compared to mid-July, consumers with a full delivery save around 100 euros. Here the values of previous years: price HEL 3,000 litres on August 15, 2010 66.66 HEL 3,000 litres on August 15, 2009 58,16 price HEL 3,000 litres on August 15, 2008 85,32 price HEL 3,000 litres on August 15, 2007 60,07 price HEL 3,000 litres to the 15.08.2006 63,87. This article and many more information about the energy market found on the online portal of the journal fuel level and oil Rundschau under energiepolitik.html…

GreenAcacia Investment

Forest investment provider ForestFinance on Hamburg environmental fair ‘goodgoods’ from 27 to 29 May 2011 in the Hamburg exhibition halls find goodgoods the environmental fair”held for sustainable consumption. On 8,000 square meters environmental firms present the most innovative and attractive sustainable services and products. Visitors will find a wide range of the areas of living, fashion, mobility, nutrition, health and wellness at the environmental fair. The goodgoods environmental fair aims to combine ecology and responsibility with quality, functionality and design. In addition to the product range, an interesting social programme with interesting lectures, workshops and discussion forums in the Centre is on the environmental fair. Among the goodgoods issuers, both environmental business and environmental associations and NGOs are represented.

An Advisory Board of independent experts to ensure that products and exhibitors meet the high environmental and social standards of the environmental fair. The environmental fair goodgoods is climate neutral performed. The Advice to climate neutralizing the non-avoidable amounts of CO2 and CO2 reduction is performed by the ForestFinance daughter CO2OL. Sustainability goodgoods determines also the design concept for the exhibition halls and the stands of the exhibitors of the environmental fair. Sustainable forest: strong ROI and value-stable environment interested investors are invited to inform themselves on the ForestFinance environment booth about the BaumSparVertrag and other forest investment offerings. ForestFinance offers sustainable forest investments that combine a lucrative return on investment with environmental and social sustainability. The company was awarded Global Award in the field of financial services partners as the world’s first German company FSC.

FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) is the world’s most recognized eco-label for environmentally and socially responsible forestry. The BaumSparVertrag provide investors from 33 euro per month an own species-rich tropical forest as a profitable investment. A tax-free yield is predicted by five to nine percent. Find out more information See “with our sustainable forest investments we offer a profitable addition to sustainable investment. Our more than 7,000 customers have shown that more and more people want to invest wisely”, stresses ForestFinance Managing Director Harry Assenmacher. Forest investments characterized statistically in North and South America by small fluctuations in value and attractive returns. So the American forest investment index, NCREIF Timberland exceeded index until 2009 several decades by an average of 14 percent annually with low volatility and only a single year of loss. About ForestFinance: ForestFinance specializes in forest investments, which combine a lucrative return on investment with environmental and social sustainability. Interested parties can choose between several sustainable forest investment products. In addition to the BaumSparVertrag, there are several other forest investment products: the WaldSparBuch offers from 1,000 square meters a forest investment with buy-back guarantee. Annual income offer CacaoInvest, an investment in organic cocoa and Hardwood trees and GreenAcacia, which has run only seven years. Through the afforestation of ForestFinance forests, rainforests spared, CO2 for decades bound and newly created species-rich forests. Fire insurance and post-warranty planting, as well as five percent safety areas at all forest investment products in Panama of effective investor protection contribute to. More information at