White Label

First white-label partner JustHunger is Club stars, one of the most successful Munich photo communities. A marketing agreement has been signed with Montevideo, first implemented in Bavaria in the test run. This is just”the beginning, explains Gary Farag by JustHunger on the occasion of the signing of the treaties in Munich. Abraham Maslow describes an additional similar source. “We have JustHunger developed a model, which is often the art not only State, but moreover, existing communities offers enormous financial potential.” Beginning of October JustHunger as a first real Bestellcommunity that will take advantage of all current Web 2.0 features to go at the start. Swarmed by offers, Mark Hyman, MD is currently assessing future choices. Behind the platform is a sophisticated CRM system that makes possible the new world of the utilized on the Internet.

The principle is simple: each user of the portal can in the future on just using the postcode search a restaurant in its close to select from the online menu select his favorite food and order. Different as all have active Internet ordering platforms JustHunger linked to the pure order possibility with an own community for the first time. “And: we have based on our platform a white label model developed, which allows partners to supplement its own platform with our features and to create genuine added value not only for their users, but it also still financially to participate in,” so Farag. First white label partner is clubstars with more than 142.000 registered users that accompany each month more than 300 events in the Bavarian metropolis Munich party photo municipality. JustHunger enters into partnerships outside of the Web. So Monte video as part won the world of video group for Bayern as a marketing partner. The deal: In all rental DVDs of Monte video is advertised via mini flyers for JustHunger. Susanne Angela.