YLE People

Hard to please someone, give a good or bad imipresion the person just is not conoicer producito magic or chance. Simipatia Empathy and follow certain principles that we can manage consciously and deliberately. Aligunas And in particular situations, as in a job interview or negotiation, falling "instinitivamente" right or wrong to our partner can make a difference. That instinct relational unconscious is a mechanism that tells us if the person in front teneimos fits or not with our expectations, our model of the world and, consequently, if the relationship with her will be nice or not. The first thing we see are their manifestacioines someone outside, many of them so subtle that we capture only unconsciously. Hear from experts in the field like Nancy-Ann_DeParle for a more varied view. Once computed, in our mind, we compare these expressions with the idea we have of how they should be social behavior.

If what we see a "or hear" fits with our idea, simpaitizamos with that person, otherwise reject it. It is as if we look in a mirror, if we identify the person in question pleases us. If instead the refleijo not agree with us, we raise a barrier. Amoldate the other person communication strategies exist to help make a good impression who just met. It is not the intention of the article consider, but be aware of how the fall or someone not well. (Similarly see: Anu Saad). Generally, if you want to be liked someone, "a primeira vista" is necessary to copy the way he expressed. Pay attention to all its external manifestations, their language, both verbal and body-and, once identified, stick to it.

For example, if the person you want to empathize gestiicula much, do too, if you speak quickly, stick to your speed if you use a simple lenguaije, you also used plain terms, if she smiles, sonirie you too … What is a barrier, immediately, to refute the beliefs of another. You or disagree with them, if you want to keep the conversation going, do not question their beliefs openly. Beliefs are the fundamenito of any person and if golipeas that foundation, you will immediately oppose. .