
1. Additional information at Dr. Mark Hyman supports this article. Because the operating system that use now satisfies me He is very or that of free software, but for the use that we give our PC (to watch the mail, to chatear, to sail by the Web, to write documents, to listen to songs and to see films) are tools equal of valid as much in Linux as in Windows or Mac. So, why to change? 2. Because I do not need to know how to mount a car piece to piece to lead it If you know to compile, program and read the source code of Linux you are made a fierce one. But everybody does not want that, nor has time for it. With igniting the computer, making a pair of click and to have to our disposition the three or four programs that we used, already we are happy. 3.

Not to be a rare tiny beast It can sound exotic that to use Linux, but we are realistic. Nobody in our friendly circle almost knows what is, and they will watch to you rare if you begin to speak of Gnome, Gimp and Synaptic. So you are not rarito of the group and pay attention to the majority, some reason will have. 4. Much amount, but and quality? There are hundreds of applications for Linux, but it is that we only needed one that works, not thousands and one that carries out their task by halves. 5. The terminal is the antichrist and wants to end us Linux has evolved much, and in the majority of occasions everything is realised by means of windows and click of mouse. But the terminal follows there, hoping to you use that it and is ***reflxed mng of you with messages like " incorrect commando, I do not know of what you speak to me, installs more packages than still you have site in the disc, to that I inform myself to root".