Edna Cristina Gonalves Academic Dos Santos of the Course of Full Licenciatura in Physical Education. University of the State of Par Summary This research mentions the practical one to it of physical activity directed toward deaf person, having as methodology the theoretical referencial. The deafness is a deficiency that reaches one of the agencies of the direction ' ' audio' ' , it is the deficiency of bigger incidence in the population, in Brazil to each 1000 children who are born of two the seven have deafness problems. The notice of the birth of a child with deficiency in the familiar way can sketch diverse reactions, such as, fear, repulses, indignation or resignation. It is fact that the Brazilian families are not prepared to receive a child in these circumstances. In special the deaf child, the parents initially try to oralizar it, for then inserting the language of signals. The paper of the professor of Physical Education is to develop the corporal conscience, to raise auto-esteem to propitiate ludicidade moments.

Introduction the physical activity directed toward the deaf public, still is a thematic one little explored and mystified, it is normal to associate with the deafness ' ' incapacidade' '. Second (RASP, SOUZA and TREVISAN, 2003) ' ' it is very common, … coming across in them, for example, with terms as: abnormal people, different, deficient auditory, deaf person-dumb, people carrying of deficiency auditiva.' ' In some cases in accordance with (RASP, PIROLO and BISINELA et al, 2000) ' ' the trend is also verified to deny the deficiency or to classify the deaf person as sick mental' '. These concepts are deriving of the knowledge lack on the related subject: deafness. (Gesser, 2009) before working with deaf people, it believed that: ' ' deficient auditory he was less offensive or pejorativo of what ' ' surdo' ' but, in the convivncia with the proper deaf people, I was learning that they prefer exactly are they call that them deaf people and some are until irritated when they are called deficientes.' ' In this context, we will approach practical of physical education directed toward this public, therefore (RASP, SOUZA and TREVISAN, 2003) they defend that ' ' it is necessary to identify and to contextualizar this citizen, is a necessary requirement for the professional of Physical Education.