It is endowed with seven rooms of lesson, a direction, a secretariat, a room of reading, one cooks, six bathrooms divided between spaces destined to the girls and boys and a patio for recreation. It presents a good structure and physical division, good condition of conservation, but it needs reforms and adequacy of the nets electric and hydraulical. As other public schools, it faces financial difficulties, although to receive mounts of money federal. This occurs, due to the low destined value and the real necessity of services and materials destined to the pertaining to school ends. The directive team is composed of a director, a secretary and a coordinator. Pedagoga has still one to assist in the work with pupils and professors. Three administrative officers, four guards, four cooks and eight maids still exist, beyond sixteen teachers. All the employees play its functions between the turns matutino and vespertine.
The community considers good the developed work visor school and keeps a good relationship with the direction and faculty. During the year of 2007, the school started to receive pupils PNEES, what it caused debates concerning the subject and the concern to develop a work directed to the assistance of this clientele. 2.1. The challenges faced for the institutions of education for inclusion of the PNEES. The inclusion is a movement with an explicit interest: to construct a society to take care of to all. Exactly being considerably recent, the movement on inclusion reached enormous ratios. The knowledge of the differences that if present in each child who will be enclosed becomes basic in this process. The problem of the deficiency in Brazil is very on to the social classrooms, since great part of the people with deficiency is poor and has low escolaridade. To solve many on problems to this question, we have, obviously, to decide the problems related with the poverty of Brazil.