Couple Loneliness

One of the most difficult to tolerate conditions is the feeling of having a couple and at the same time experience loneliness. Need to be alone is a natural situation in human life. By time we crave having moments of intimacy with ourselves. In a world as it is today, plagued by noise, visual and auditory, pollution is difficult to find times of silence and solitude. It is essential then, isolate themselves to enter into communion with oneself and calm.

Of course that is healthy renewal in these moments of being alone. However, when we have a couple we love you so much but which at the same time we feel alone, without support, outside of your company and your affective disposition, then that feeling of loneliness we eats, since a part of ourselves cries out for live unaccompanied, regarded, cared for, loved and appreciated by our other half. Living two is an experience that complements the very meaning of our existence, is the possibility of giving a purpose to existence and even, up to transcend in the species, is that we have decided to have children. But when this couple, far from complement I experience again and again leads me to the suffering of loneliness, it is a wake-up call to redefine the direction of the relationship. When one of the members of the couple or both are experiencing this feeling probably are in a place in their relationship, in which more than an expression of love, living conditions of indifference, hostilities, not spoken resentments, struggles for power, lack of interest in the life of the couple, or the interests of any of the members of the same. It is to feel the anguish itself have someone and at the same time not to have it, as absent, emotionally speaking. My topics of conversation already does not interest you, when we talk about plans in common, we encounter with the wall of silence, or the at this time we have to talk about that? in a tone, of course, discomfort.

Abbess Hildegard

In recent times, several active components have been isolated from the berries and the leaves of the plant of Blueberry, including flavonoids (anthocyanins), vitamins and pectin, anthocyanoside found in berries, and quercetin, catechins, tannins, iridoids, and acids, which are found in the leaves. Bilberry also has excellent antioxidant properties due to high levels of anthocyanosides.

The regular use of bilberry helps to promote healthy vision and support the tiny capillaries of blood carrying oxygen to the eyes. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of extract of bilberry in 14 people showed significant improvements in the diabetic retinopathy in the treated group. (Bone k. concentrate-The vision herb.) MediHerb Prof Rev. 1997; 59: 1-4). Chromium Picolinate is a mineral supplement and a food highly absorbable form of chromium an essential nutrient for sugar metabolism. The daily dietary intake for chromium is 50 to 200 micrograms, but the majority of diets containing less than 60% of this amount! The FDA has agreed that chrome can help in reducing the risk of possibly of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance.

In a controlled study, the groups were administered a placebo or 100 or 500 micrograms of chromium picolinate two times per day for four months. Those groups receiving 100 micrograms twice a day did not show any significant improvement, while in the group that received 500 micrograms twice per day was found highly significant improvements in glucose/insulin system. (Anderson RA. Nutritional factors influencing the glucose/insulin system: chromium.

August Mourn

It is the most requested column I had ever written. My odometer was at 90 in August, so here we go again column: 1. Life is not fair, but it's still good. 2. When in doubt, just take the next small step. 3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. 4.

Your job will not take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and family do. Stay in touch. 5. Liquid your credit cards each month. 6. Do not have to win every argument.

You agree to disagree. 7. Cry with someone. Relieves most to mourn alone. 8. Okay if you get angry with God. a l can bear. 9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck. 10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile. 11. Make peace with your past so it does not spoil the present. 12. It's OK to let your children see you mourn. 13. Do not compare your life with others. You have no idea what their journey is. 14. If a relationship has to be secret, you should not be in it. 15. Everything can change in a blink of an eye. But do not worry, God never blinks. 16. Breathe deeply. This calms the mind. 17. Delete everything that is not useful, beautiful or joyful. 18. If something does not kill you really makes you stronger. 19. It is never too late to have a happy childhood. a But the second is up to you and nobody else.


Bodybuilding, commonly said that it is a discipline alone, an activity in which the individual has the responsibility for progress or stagnation. While there can be a lot of external influences or the delimitation of motivation, apart from the bodybuilding program, the person has ultimate responsibility for driving the forward, step-by-step training towards the objectives of the initial or modified training your muscles. External influences do not have any role to play. Everytime a bodybuilder evaluates his progress, he or she may not seek any excuse for not having achieved goals, nor attributed the success to external factors. It takes the person to succeed or fail in the activity of bodybuilding. The key areas in which a body Builder determines both the success or failure in the bodybuilding program are briefly discussed below. The first thing is the personal determination. How the desire to achieve the objectives was generated from? Bodybuilding in you? How much are willing and prepared to support in a training program? What sacrifices are willing to make to the achievement of its objectives of bodybuilding? What can you generate to leave the bodybuilding program? The answer to these questions will help you to improve the level of determination and effort in training.

Secondly, its coherence symbolizes how valuable it fitness program is for you. Everytime a slight cold hits him, he forgets not training sessions? If the job requires some overtime, do not sacrifice your session in the gym or television time? Is the session’s most important gym for you that the payment of hours extras or favorite TV show? Do you often forget training sessions despite having programmed time for them? Is training diet bodybuilding and exercise regimen a load, a pain to face or an opportunity to have fun? These questions will help you evaluate your consistency in the Bodybuilding program. Another key element is the attitude and aptitude with which a fitness program tackles. Attitude positive, the person has to see and believe in the possibility of achieving defined objectives as possible, this is a prerequisite for the success of bodybuilding and muscle mass increase. A negative attitude decreases the chances of completing the training program.

If a person who trains bodybuilding takes personal responsibility for his formation, attitude and motivation, then the success or accumulated failure thereof, becomes a personal responsibility. Ultimately, the success or failure in a bodybuilding program is auto-determinado. If you’re really looking to increase your muscle mass in a simple and fast growth, make CLICK AQUI. I hope this helps.

HALL Concentration

The ridge cerebral lateral separates to the wolf frontal of the secular wolf, the ridge parieto-occipital separates the parietal wolf of the occipital wolf. The fifth part of the brain, nsula, cannot be seen of the surface of encfalo, for is situated in the interior of the lateral, deep cerebral fiction in relation with the wolves parietal, frontal and weather. As Guyton and Hall (1998) the ganglia of the base are an accessory motor system that functions not for if only, but always in close association with the cerebral cortex and the corticoespinhal motor system in the control of the complex standards of motor activities. The ganglia virtually receive all the signals from entrance of the proper cortex and in turn they return to almost all its signals of exit in return to the cortex. The injuries in the pale globe, frequent take the reptao movements spontaneous of one of the hands, an arm, the neck or the face, movements called atetose.

An injury in sublamo takes many times the ample movements since the root of the entire member, a condition called hemibalismo. According to Guyton and Hall, (1998) many areas of the formation of the bulb, bridge and mesencfalo control different autonmicas functions, as the arterial pressure, cardiac frequency, gastrintestinais secretion grandulardo gastrintestinal treatment, peristaltismo, contraction would urinaria of the bladder. Having as controlled more important factors for the cerebral trunk, the arterial pressure, cardiac frequency and the breath. The sanguineous flow cerebral this highly related to the cerebral metabolism. Three different metabolic factors have powerful effect in contro0le of the sanguineous flow, the concentration of carbon dioxide, ons of hidrognios and the concentration of oxygen. An increase of the concentration of carbon dioxide or of ons of hydrogen raises the cerebral sanguineous flow, while the reduction of the oxygen concentration increases flow (GUYTON; HALL, 1998). For Guyton and Hall (1998) the likeable stimulation cause excitatrios effect in some agencies and inibitrios in others.

Hedging Currency Risks

The exchange rate of the Macedonian Denar against the major hard currencies of the world has remained stable in recent years. Due to the restrictions of the IMF, the "local Narodna (Central) Bank does not print money and there is no physical dinars in the economy and local banks. Thus, even if people want to buy foreign currency on the black market, or directly banks – which do not have to do with dinars. The total amount of dinars (M1, in professional financing lingo) in the economy is around 200 million dollars, according to official figures. This means $ 100 per capita. Thus, while all citizens of Macedonia decided to convert all your dinars to Deutsch Marks – they still can buy only 150 DM each, on average. These small quantities are not sufficient to raise the rate at DMS which are exchanged for dinars (= the price in dinars DMS). But this situation will last forever? According to the paucity of economic theory raises rare commodity prices.

If dinars are rare – their price will remain high in DM terms, ie not be devalued against the stronger currency. The longer the Central Bank does not print dinars – the longer the kind of change will continue. But a strong currency (the dinar, in this case) is not always a positive thing. The dinar is not strong because Macedonia is rich. The country is in a problematic economic situation. The banking system is dangerous and unstable. Foreign exchange reserves are minimal – less than $ 30 million.

The Mind

And the problem is that we identify with those flashes that come and go aimlessly and in most occasions without sense. Today believe in one thing and in another tomorrow, now want one thing and then another, today we like this and tomorrow things. The instability around us everywhere, that we are today nothing resembles what we were yesterday psychologically speaking – who today believe in nothing resembles what we thought yesterday. And that instability is not produced by anything external to us, we are unstable because the mind itself is unstable. If we are attentive to the movement of thinking can see that appeared to us to ourselves, there is no difference between the thinker and the thought, between that thought and thought. Which produces happiness, suffering, depressions, desires, fears etc. The experiencer and who wants to repeat those experiences or not is the same, the experimenter is experienced, the observer noted, the thinker thinking.

Therefore the answer to the question of who that thought it did you? It is to me. And if we ask immediately. Quien soy yo? The movement of thinking stops, mind I know introvierte to realizing that she herself is that question and which gives the answer, so it produces a transmutation and thought ceases. To silence the deceptive mind of desires, fears, addictions etc. One to be given realizes that it is the mind that produces them and experiencing them, and to realize this know to ask each time it appears a thought who that thinking appeared to him? The answer will be that to me, then we ask ourselves who am I? That thought is appeared to whom? To me Quien soy yo? We should not accept any answer that can get us to the question of who am I? Because the answers come from the mind of knowledge and knowledge is memory and memory is of yesterday.

Reiners Health

It continues, Reiners The education is important, the process to influence and to be influenced, to learn and to teach is the essence in the educational sector, has the paper to develop the individual and the culture. The education acts in the clarification on the conditions that tend to follow the normal course of the life, and a paper in the change of attitudes of people of all the ages in relation the health and illness. The domiciliary attendance puts in practical the orientaes and behaviors that the health team establishes, in order to improve the state of health of the individual and the family, or, at least, to prevent illnesses. Socioeconmicos and cultural factors must be considered by the nurse each time that considers some change in the domestic routine. Whenever possible these questions must be argued and determined next to family. The educative action must enclose the following points: – To inform on the consequences of the pathology not treated and badly controlled – To strengthen the importance of the feeding as part of the treatment – To clarify on crendices, myths, taboos and popular alternatives of treatment. – To undo fears, unreliabilities and anxiety of the patient.

– To emphasize the benefits of the physical activity – To guide on healthful habit of life – To stand out the benefits of the automonitorao, insisting on the education of adequate and possible techniques. – To teach as the patient and its family they can prevent, detect and treat the acute complications, in house, until arriving at the hospital or the next rank of health. – To teach clearly as to detect symptoms and signals of chronic complications, in particular in the feet. – To stimulate the patient if to become more self-sufficient in its control. (BRAZIL, 2002). Therefore, this study it has for object the education in health in the consolidation of the practical one of prevention of complications caused by the illness.

Pharmacy Online

Article published in the La Primera newspaper, written by Roberto Lopez, Coordinator of AIS. A sector of the pharmaceutical industry says that it is committed to defend the health of the population for which require duplicate controls of quality and relaxing some regulations of drugs. If health care were its purpose, the Online pharmacy industry should recall of many products have no proven therapeutic effectiveness, and that they are only there because sold and produced important utilities; or combinations of two or more drugs without technical justification that prevents treatment adjusted to each patient. Conversely, one of the provisions that this industrial sector supports the Bill N 995-2011-CR, amending the law of medicine 29459 is that those who seek his re-enrollment for the health record and medicines according to the law currently in force must sustain them with studies of efficacy and safety, must only submit information about safety and effectiveness. The same Bill has that certification of good practices of manufacture (BPM) of a high health surveillance as United States country is only valid for those plants that are in its territory. It is worth remembering that the United States FDA, for example, certifies BPM to the India pharmaceutical plants so that they can enter their products to the U.S. market.

On the other hand, this project requires unnecessary quality controls, subtracting utility to the fact that the DIGEMID certify in BPM to plants abroad where medicinal products are imported. In the absence of sufficient accredited laboratories in the country to do what the project proposes, is would create a bottleneck for entry and marketing of imported medicines. In this scenario, the national pharmaceutical companies appear as the ability to perform quality control services in the national territory, with what would be the figure that companies which produce and market drugs would make such control to the products of their competitors. Both cases could lead to a reduction in the flow of drugs, less competition, likely shortage and high prices. Television programs have shown the characters that they are behind this initiative that it has nothing to do with the health of the population, but yes, with commercial interests. At the time of a decision, Congress should consider that resulting regulations may restrict competition and, on the other hand, perpetuate the permanence in the market for products that, beyond that are many years in the market, have not tested efficacy and/or its therapeutic drug rationality.

Diet Mediterranean Benefits

The inclusion of all groups of foods such as cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables, dried fruit, meat, fish, eggs, etc make the Mediterranean diet among the most complete and varied in the world. Noteworthy nutritional values of the Mediterranean diet:? It is a balanced diet, get make us the perfect combination of macronutrients (50% carbohydrates, 15-20% protein and 30% fat). Great contribution of monounsaturated fatty acids from olive oil and other foods of vegetable origin. Large presence of fiber and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and trace elements). Contribution of Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids. The contribution of these substances from your diet is very important, because our body is unable to synthesize them in sufficient quantity. Use moderate of fermented drinks (wine, cider or beer) valued its cardioprotective power.

Very rich in antioxidants like some vitamins and minerals, and others like polyphenols and tannins among others. Minor presence of saturated animal fats, and enough monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat intake. Contribution of high quality easily assimilated (proteins of high biological value) protein. Most of complex carbohydrates that regulate blood sugar. Ingestion of live bacteria through fermented food, favoring the intestinal flora. Do these nutritional characteristics translate into benefits for our health, some of which are described below:? Nutritious and light: its great density of nutrients get to be an extremely nutritious diet as well as moderate in calories, avoiding the risk of deficiency diseases. If the goal is weight loss, a lightweight version of the Mediterranean diet is always the best choice for short and long term.

Heart healthy: The presence of healthy fats from olive oil and fish mainly improvement of blood lipid profile, decreasing cholesterol levels, triglycerides, and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Depurative: Its great content in the high consumption of vegetables, legumes and fruits from fiber cleans our body from the inside, dragging part of ingested fats and other undesirable elements such as oxygen free radicals, very harmful to our cells. Rich in natural antioxidants: the wealth of antioxidants in vegetables, fruits, legumes, fermented and fish among other foods, drinks are capable of reducing oxidative stress in our cells, which relates to the prevention of certain chronic diseases. The Mediterranean diet anti-aging properties attributed to him. It prevents diabetes: inclusion of sugars in moderate amounts and increase foods high in fiber and complex carbohydrates, are calve to moderating blood sugar levels and regulate insulin release.