Social Security Clinic

The oath of Hippocrates, considered the father of medicine – is the one that doctors provide to finishing their studies and with which undertake with all his strength and will personally, against his colleagues and teachers follows: by medical Apollo and Aesculapius, I swear: by Higias, Panacace and all the gods and goddesses who put by witnesses of the observance of this vote, which forced me to fulfill what I offer Tributare to my teacher of medicine equal respect to the authors of my days Zwickau the regime of the sick in the way that is most convenient, according to my powers and my knowledge, avoiding all evil and injustice. Not me dcome to claims which affect the administration of poison, nor persuadire to anyone with suggestions of that species; I will also refrain from supply to pregnant women, pessaries or abortifacient. My life will pass it and exert my profession with innocence and purity if I observe with fidelity my oath, I be granted happily enjoy my life and my profession, always honored among men; If I sorrow and am perjury, fall on me, lucky adverse unfortunately, quines work and collaborate to this newspaper, we witnessed the huge hypocrisy with which some doctors practitioners and residents of the number 72 of the Mexican Institute of Social Security Clinic-, carry the coat and how with forehead very high by the significance of his position within the societygo over the true meaning of humanity that his faculty of physicians requires them. Diagnostics wrong by neglect, lack of interest or appropriate knowledge, Emetic arrogance, provision void by duly informing those who accompany patients and a huge capacity for discussing unimportant issues that only respond to their whims and not to certain needs of beneficiaries, are some things that one can face not only in the aforementioned clinic but in each and every one of the hospitals in that institution. Whether or not to our liking, many doctors, nurses, orderlies, interns and employees in general not all, only the most-who work under the protective mantle of the national Eagle, only provide their services in order to comply with a formality and not with the meaning of aid which require and do not consider that each of the sick who mistreat them, are those who for years have provided the institution of economic resources that you have and that thanks to them they can perceive their salaries in some cases too high – or be creditors that stamp that will enable them to graduate. URGES the competent authorities to put a brake first monetary looting which keeps the IMSS as a hotbed of precarious attention and to refine its ranks because it is not possible to move that Mexicans on years of our lives paying our assessed contributions, enriching to both jinche useless so-and-so and putting so many dishes of food in so many malagradecidas tables for that at the time require to be serviced, we encounter a fence of medical valemadrismo and with dozens of empleaduchos committed only to their pockets. Teneo is actively involved in the matter. Hopefully someday this handful of butchers badly called doctors, fall into the hands of peers to be honored among men, as they deserve it. Does really no one with sufficient interest and pants to put an end to both inhuman treatment?.

Spam Intelligence Wins

What is so special about good inventions? They are new and useful. Inventions are usually made by people who want to take personal advantage of this invention. Thus, you could set up the thesis, that selfishness is not always a bad thing. So the egoism of an IT company has not only paid off 97857 Urspringen in Lower Franconia, it also shows you have to think sometimes just something more than others. Andreas Hoffman, Managing Director of the company of ETHA, was of the opinion that conventional spam filters offer not the optimum would be appropriate in this sensitive area. Conventional spam filters sort incoming mail for keywords and discard spam suspicious mail in a spam folder specially created. Especially in companies with high email traffic, so a folder can take on huge proportions and therefore waste much space on the computer.

When filtering the incoming messages also the network speed is thwarted, as the incoming mails all spotted and desirable and undesirable must be sorted. Unfortunately land also mails in the spam folder that there truly have no business. Many job could lose the spam folder would not be spotted. It takes time and there are more risks, because unwanted E-mail viruses or Trojans that threaten the network cling all too often. ETHA was tired to quarantine folder, to take risks and maybe find mails that were really important from the waste mountains of spam. So the company changed entirely selfish, how one should proceed to such problems to avoid.

And they are the realization came, that when a mail is not accepted, the sender, a message will appear. Further, it was aware that no folder consumes less space than one that doesn’t actually exist. Spam is resulted 2008 the ingenious idea and the absolutely new product. does not filter for keywords, but goes through a check of the sender’s data. Spam spam mails blocked and don’t put them in quarantine. The product is designed so that it constantly learns and thus adapts the principles of spam. detects off, before they end up in the recipient’s E-Mail basket and blocking the entrance spams already on the Internet. The sender receives a message that the reception of the mail was rejected. Contains a message that has been sent not as spam, so gets spam suspicious content (spam, virus, suspicions, etc) the sender the appropriate notice that the adoption was denied. A job may not be lost, because the sender that was made aware that his post is incorrect content and is given the opportunity of remedying a defect. Spammers have bad cards thanks to this innovative product, get it back but now lots of mails, without the chance to be appended to the recipient folder to mullen or viruses. This selfishness of ETHA is truly anything other than negative, at most for the spammers. For more information, see to spam

Beaver Hunt

What can expect a hunter, after hunting for beaver? First, of course, skin. Then, meat, castor, beaver fat and souvenirs. So, in order. So many ask questions about the beaver meat. The answer is: it is not only edible, but tasty and healthy. Under the heading "recipes" I'll share recipes for cooking wild game, including the beaver. Beaver meat dark red. This color gives the meat red blood corpuscles.

In the beaver a lot of them, they keep the oxygen in the blood, helping the beaver, is under water a long time. Like any game, the beaver has a certain flavor characteristics. The only reason the beaver meat will have a specific, robust flavor (we're talking about fresh meat, of course), which is to remove it is not possible, it is not the right dressing the beaver carcass, as a result of which was cutting the castor. Which, in turn, got to the meat. Content jet tends to retain odors for a long time, there is no help either boiling or frying, not a lot of spices. Taste once such a "specific" meat, especially squeamish person, may repel the appetite for a long time. Beaver, a of the few animals that are not dangerous to humans suffering from parasites.

I've even seen a recipe marinating beaver worms (tapeworms, living in the intestines of a beaver). Reviews I have not seen, but if someone suggests, therefore, by at least edible. For all my time hunting beaver, I have not caught a single infected beaver. This is a fairly rare occurrence. With age, the meat becomes zhosche beaver. The optimum flavor characteristics in animals 03.02 years of age. They are usually harvested and in most cases. If the beaver svezhedobyty, be sure to try his liver by removing the pre-bile. It is well, very tasty! What are the ways you can make look category of "recipes". You should not throw out the kidneys, heart and lungs. For food, you can use it! Then I would divide the carcass of a beaver on the following parts: front (neck, front legs, ribs), the hind legs, lumbar spine, upper tail, the tail. The front portion can be used in soups, roast. With her little clean cut of meat, so use the better with bone, for navarchika, so to speak. On the hind legs and can be separated meat from the bones. It turns a lot of clippings. She's going to cook the cutlets, dumplings, barbecue, roast, goulash, and so on. Lumbar and upper tail coverts easily carve a big piece. Although the taste of meat differs from the lumbar upper tail. Perfect for cooking roast, goulash. I appreciate the tail only in young animals, no more than 2-3 years. The older the animal, the tail zhosche and its cooking time increases. The tail is prepared, usually with top, "scaly" skin layer. I would mention the dishes from the tail to the snack option. Not bad hot with cold beer. Speaking of beaver meat, I mean meat svezhedobytogo beaver, usually fired and skinned in for 3-4 hours. Under certain conditions, the meat (not carcass) can save the beaver in the woods for 3-5 days. I do not recommend eating the internal organs (liver, kidney, heart) if the beaver was caught more than 3-4 hours, and meat, if more days.

Mattress Manufacturers

Organic Cotton Mattress – Quilted mattress. Production and the right choice. Manufacture of mattresses – one of the main directions of our activity. Choose the right mattress is often not an easy task, since market is flooded with poor-quality mattresses, which may in the near future to come into disrepair, as well as use that is simply dangerous to health. During the long period of time we took some of the rules, following which you can choose for themselves the right cotton mattress.

In addition, we are glad to see you among our customers and potential customers! We make mattresses of various sizes, as well as using different filling materials. In the manufacture of mattresses in most cases, the following fillers: wool c / b (cotton), wool, regenerated fiber (PB), hollofayber, fleece, padding polyester, teak, calico. Mattress Quilted One of the most common filling is cotton wool mattress. It is 100% pure product, made from high quality, pure cotton. Because cotton mattresses can be processed by hot steam, and they do not lose their shape, they are often use in hospitals, on the railroad, the Defense Ministry, Interior Ministry, Emergencies Ministry and dr.gosudarstvennyh institutions. Mattresses from reclaimed fiber mattresses regenerated fibers are not as durable as cotton mattresses.

They belong to the mattresses economy class and are much cheaper. This makes them the most popular among naseleniya.Ispolzuyutsya primarily for seasonal use: the holiday season, for seasonal workers, construction crews. Mattresses made of sheep wool for use in cold areas are best mattresses made of sheep wool.

CDI Syndrome

As the alterations of J-ST observed in this syndrome they are described as mutant, also being able to occur occult forms with the pparently normal eletrocardiograma, in this case the diagnosis will only be established through farmacolgico test with the use of ajmalina or procainamida7. The nocturnal death so frequent in is determined regions of the Thailand that the local aboriginals attribute the ghosts to it of widowers who take the young at night, to foil, sleep dresses with clothes femininas3. Exactly in the assintomticos patients, they is esteem that at least one tero will go to develop ventricular taquicardia or ventricular fibrilao in the 24 months that follow the diagnosis inicial3. The control of the ventricular taquiarritmias with the use of antiarrhythmic drugs has not been a viable option. The implantation of a desfibrilador cardioversor is the adjusted behavior more, therefore it modifies favorably evolution of the serious and curious patient with this sndrome8. Observing the case above, it is evaluated that it hears an imperfection of the patient, where exactly with the description of sncopes and sudden deaths in the family, did not look medical aid.

Therefore it could has prevented the cardiorrespiratria stop that fortunately did not have a tragic end as it occurs in this syndrome. Consideraes Final the Syndrome of Brugada is dealt to a serious pathology and with fatal consequencias, but identifying the symptoms precociously, it will be able to have an increase in the supervened one of patients susceptible to unchain this Syndrome. Patients with the characteristic findings will have to look medical aid to exclarecer, being identified, to implant the CDI immediately. Emergenciais doctors must be cliente of the electrocardiographic standard of Brugada, therefore this Syndrome still little is divulged and is esteem through an informal research of the group in urgency ranks, that many of the health area not yet know or never they had heard to speak.

Optimal Pension Plan

Base pension in focus: flexible and robust retirement many consumers the Rurup pension (also base) is completely unknown. Since declared it is again and again as a pension for self-employed persons. It is also to advisable employees and civil servants very interesting and attractive be attractive even as the Riester pension with its promotion through allowances. Because also the Rurup pension is funded by the State. Worth the Rurup pension as a pension? In contrast to the Riester pension funded the base pension not through allowances, but through tax benefits. Therefore, the Rurup pension worth just for self-employed persons and good incomes.

76 Per cent of the posts can already be used in 2013. This includes the Rurup must specify posts only in the tax return as special editions. The Rurup is funded up to a maximum pension of 20,000 euro for single and 40,000 euros for jointly assessed married couples. In the year 2025, the full promotion claim can then taken be. Before that the percentage increases continuously. The Rurup pension can be completed as a classic insurance or as unit-linked Variant.

Also, no conditions are linked as a minimum capital amount the contract then. Here everyone can depositing as much as he can and want. How does the Rurup pension in independent tests? Both Stiftung Warentest and focus money have tested the Rurup pension on their suitability as a pension. Through the promotion and their flexibility is attractive. Tariff Alliance, Huk-Coburg, PB life, people are the Federal Government and of the HanseMerkur according to the testers to recommend. Unfortunately still no current test exists in the year 2013, therefore consumer on the tests from the years 2011 and 2012 have to Dodge. The Rurup pension test from 2011 is to said that UNI gender tariffs were not yet introduced. What are the characteristics of the Rurup pension? Who a Rurup pension completes, it can no longer really cancel. Only the contract are free, works. The insurer still retains the capital saved previously and it pays off on the agreed date. As well, there is no way the capital payment. The services from a Rurup pension are paid as a life annuity. Also, taxes fall, on such as the statutory pension insurance. This is called downstream taxation. However, the personal tax rate will fall here less than during the working life.

Tasty, Balanced Diet

When it comes to food, the benefit and pleasure between caring parents, of course, choose the favor and offer your child healthy and balanced meals. And so it creates a stereotype of childhood ‘that tasty – not useful and what is useful – not tasty. ” With the same problem faced by adults who are overweight. By choosing some dibo diet as an effective way to lose weight, they just resign themselves to the fact that there will have to tasteless food. Meanwhile, the food should be not only useful but also delicious. Biologists believe that the assimilation of food plays an important role pre-reflexive phase, including the perception of sight and smell of food. Ie we are talking about mental impact of smell, appearance and taste of food on its absorption. This means that the aromatic and tasty dishes will be more useful than a balanced, but tasteless.

To prove this, biologists have spent experiments on dogs. The animals were divided into two groups. One was given a full and balanced meal, but devoid of taste and virtually tasteless. Another – a favorite food of all dogs food: meat from bones. Results experiment proved to be quite eloquent: those animals that were fed a favorite food throughout the experiment remained alert, active and playful.

A group of dogs that were fed a balanced, but tasteless food, gradually lost activity and became more passive and depressed. Moreover, the researchers conducted an analysis of the chyme (the liquid contents of the small intestine) dogs. It was found that dogs that get your favorite meal, it was completely balanced amino acid composition. And the dogs that ate tasteless food, was found the amino acid tryptophan deficiency responsible for the formation of serotonin – a stimulator good mood. This experiment proves that the food we eat has a direct impact not only on our physical, but also on mental state. It is therefore important to pay attention not only to the quality of the food and its usefulness, but also for its taste and smell. Aromatic and tasty dishes can bring more benefits than cooked according to the rules of healthy eating, but without the smell and taste. It is worth remembering those who decided to lose weight through dieting or spetsialinyh separate power supply. By the way that food should be tasty, wrote Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. He believed the traditional Russian cuisine is not only healthy, but delicious. And really, what could be better Russian yoghurt, buckwheat porridge, soup with meat and sour cream, dumplings and all sorts of pies! At the same time, great food – it is always the risk of overeating. But in this case and required self-control. Keep in mind that calories do not exceed the number of calories expended.

Early Child Development. Logical Thinking

When starting to develop logical thinking in a child? The sooner the better. It is desirable when the child is still in the womb of his mother. Many scientific leaders in the medical field believe that the logical thinking in child begins to develop at 16-18 weeks of pregnancy mom. Since the gestation period in the child perceives the information through the mother's body, it is the mother must take responsibility for the correct development and harmonious development of their baby during gestation. What should I do? It's very simple.

Select two or three hours a day on a variety of logic games. Choose what interests you most, and spend it time to enjoy chess or puzzles, puzzles such as Rubik's Cube or the exercise of the tests at the level of IQ – the choice is yours. Well, when your baby is born, a great variety of logical and intelligent games for kids will not allow your child to be bored and will help him in the way of development and education. Age from 1.5 to 4 years – the most effective for developing lessons with the child. Necessary to maximize captivate your baby is on it – an early stage. Many developing group of children take from 1.5 years.

And there are groups where people come with 6, and 9-month crumbs. In such groups with your child will be working real professionals. You can choose the way of training: individual, group or combined. And, you may select development at home alone or with a babysitter. Then do not forget the social side of the personality of your child, for the harmonious development of which must be variety of communication, team and meet new people. A lot of games, developing exercises, fun atmosphere, love and attention – just what a baby needs in the early stages of his life.


Psychology requires for its education (academic) a methodology, a epistemologia, a didactics What it studies psychology? It studies the human behavior — she notices that ‘ ‘ others cincias’ ‘ , also they make, it. What it is implied, then, is the context where this behavior is inserted and the formal object of this study. Psychology is the last rebellious son of the Philosophy. Of this, it was disconnect has little time very. Psychology exists since when here in the land it stepped on the first one human being He is obvious that in these primais periods of training, the psychological equipment age, basically, instinctive We go to jump (for didactic effect) hundreds, thousand of years, perhaps, and to arrive at Old Greece. Why, accurately, this period of History? Because in this age the formal thought was inaugurated In other words: the REASON! Clearly, that we are speaking of the point of view of that at this time the REASON was in fact, systemize (obviously, in periods daily pay-socrticos, the men, also they thought). The principle, the thoughts on ‘ ‘ emoes’ ‘ (bigger premise of psychology) they were ingenuous and fantasiosos. They portraied myths and the idiossincrticas beliefs of its time.

For hundreds of years never she had a systematic study of psychology. Much of what it was assumed as truth, was myths Folklore Psychology appeared as one disciplines specific in Germany in the second half of century XIX. The heading of founder of psychology is attributed to the Willhelm Maximiliam Wundt Wundt generally as experimental science. Teses had been elaborated to validate estimated psychology as science with scientific capable to be surveyed and mensurados, experimentally. Until today in the contemporaneidade railway resistncias in accepting psychology exist as a natural science with scientific basement, such which if they present in the study of the physics Of chemistry in another source to the ones of biological sciences.


It has become almost common procedure in the late 19th century and 20th century to correct defects, such as cuts of the cornea. Nowadays, it is done less frequently, because contact lenses are very effective in solving these problems. It should be noted that prosthetic technology has leaped forward. However, not everyone can wear contact lenses, by virtue of physiological features. So many people still turn to cosmetic tattooing eyes.

Other people have health problems, use these procedures to be different from the others. To their opinion no confused and remembered for a long time. Scarification This amazing and pointless at their stupidity process is a creative demonstration of the scars. Using the controlled process they are trying to reach a result, aesthetically appropriate or their spiritual outlook. In the process of scarification (scarification) of the body, cuts the skin, scars are formed on it. Implantation into the body of objects is the process of implementation of any three-dimensional object completely under the skin with to change the surface of the sculpture.

Invention and popularization of such implants, this process has been positioned in society as a three-dimensional art. Implantation of delays as well as body piercing, and also his can carry out practically the entire body. A striking example of this – horn implants – their first introducing small, then when the site has healed them replace larger ones. This process is repeated until, until reached the desired size. on most websites. There are some risks as irritation of the skin as a site of implantation and the surrounding areas.