As the alterations of J-ST observed in this syndrome they are described as mutant, also being able to occur occult forms with the pparently normal eletrocardiograma, in this case the diagnosis will only be established through farmacolgico test with the use of ajmalina or procainamida7. The nocturnal death so frequent in is determined regions of the Thailand that the local aboriginals attribute the ghosts to it of widowers who take the young at night, to foil, sleep dresses with clothes femininas3. Exactly in the assintomticos patients, they is esteem that at least one tero will go to develop ventricular taquicardia or ventricular fibrilao in the 24 months that follow the diagnosis inicial3. The control of the ventricular taquiarritmias with the use of antiarrhythmic drugs has not been a viable option. The implantation of a desfibrilador cardioversor is the adjusted behavior more, therefore it modifies favorably evolution of the serious and curious patient with this sndrome8. Observing the case above, it is evaluated that it hears an imperfection of the patient, where exactly with the description of sncopes and sudden deaths in the family, did not look medical aid.
Therefore it could has prevented the cardiorrespiratria stop that fortunately did not have a tragic end as it occurs in this syndrome. Consideraes Final the Syndrome of Brugada is dealt to a serious pathology and with fatal consequencias, but identifying the symptoms precociously, it will be able to have an increase in the supervened one of patients susceptible to unchain this Syndrome. Patients with the characteristic findings will have to look medical aid to exclarecer, being identified, to implant the CDI immediately. Emergenciais doctors must be cliente of the electrocardiographic standard of Brugada, therefore this Syndrome still little is divulged and is esteem through an informal research of the group in urgency ranks, that many of the health area not yet know or never they had heard to speak.