Our mentality is so arranged, that while a person is not a problem, he will not do anything so that its principle the arose. Hence immediately turn to the question about the correction of spoiled. One well-known and most frequently applicable methods of vision correction is the optical correction, namely the points. There is a lot of information. As the study found that about 30% of people suffer from visual impairment. In this method, vision correction has many advantages.
Spectacle correction is the most accessible method of vision correction. It all depends on the rim, which selects a patient in the optics shop offers a huge selection of frames, from the cheapest to the finest decorated with rhinestones and jewels. However, the process of selection of glasses should not be taken lightly. Incorrectly matched rim can cause migraine headaches and stress. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of lenses, as the only high-quality lenses to help correct the level of vision.
Points are easy to use, they can be worn at all times (with very poor vision), and wear only when required (reading, watching tv, working at the computer). Often this method of vision correction is simply no other alternative method. For example, children are not recommended to carry out laser correction or surgical intervention. Radical correction methods recommend t be done only after full maturation of the eye, which comes at the age of 18. Points – the easiest and most affordable method of correction of the fallen. However, this method has several disadvantages. Points can not guarantee 100% of vision correction. They limit peripheral vision because of the presence of frames and arches, also is an infringement of the stereoscopic effect and spatial perception. Glasses constitute a foreign object on his face. They always get dirty when the humidity and temperature, they can fog up, and the glasses practically impossible to engage in active sports. It should also be take into account the traumatic such a method of vision correction in children, the little restless and strive to fall, stumble, stumble. Shattered lens can severely damage the eyes. Points are often the cause of violations general well-being of man. If the rim or the lens is properly matched irreversibly leads to pereutomlyaemosti eye, it can also lead to poor circulation to the face, causing headaches, fatigue, malfunction. Conception glasses cause of visual impairment. Progression of eye disease is observed in 22% of cases during the spectacle correction of vision.