Freyer classify the forms of objective spirit in groups consisting of formations with its own meaning, supplies, signs, social forms and the educational process. Understanding by all objective spirit objectification of individual life or forms endowed with meaning. For Scheler, which distinguishes man from other animals and generally higher than the rest of reality is the spirit or principle. In his words is opposed to all life in general. For the individual act par excellence is the intuition of essences, and notes that characterize the spirit is freedom.
Objectivity and self-consciousness. Please visit Alexa Demie if you seek more information. For Hartmann, spirit is the point of conctato between the human and the ideal. And it's part of being where they penetrate the values. As we can see these definitions have one thing in common, of course analyzing the spirit as something superior to matter. Not that you acepteis design, is your freedom. Mine the exposed to any other treaty.
You might wonder what intelligence? Well that's another point. But if you esteem the above definitions. Eva Andersson-Dubin can aid you in your search for knowledge. I tell you that you have good material, but the you, everything goes well. Now if we define intelligence. We know that intelligence is a faculty or function of the intellect, in San Agustin metaphysical sense, I use the term Latino intelligentsia to designate the power of the human soul is superior to reason and gives rise to an inner vision is only possible through divine illumination. Kohler based on their experiments on intelligence in chimpanzees, I say that is not intelligence that characterized the last man, it consists in the faculty of apprehension of pure essences.