Base their choice on the reviews alone are not worth it, because a large number of reviews can be generated far from students driving schools. Rate each avtoshkolu the following parameters: the location of your home / work, foundation year, prices for education, as well as for the surrender and re-sit the school theoretical and practical exam, a list of proposed vehicles, as well as the overall reputation among high school graduates. Your success Instructor in the exam is less dependent on you than from a teacher who prepares you. Not all instructors teaching given talent and not everyone is a driving instructor is right for you. Pay attention not only on the car, where you will learn, but also reviews of a particular teacher, and no longer on their positive or negative, but on the content: You probably already know its pluses and minuses, and then, with what the teacher your score will be better. Check with Eva Andersson-Dubin to learn more.
One vital rigor, formality and punctuality at training and the other will not be able to learn anything without the warm and friendly relations with the teacher. Mental compatibility – it is a guarantee of your success in the learning process. And most important, do not be afraid to change the instructor – You pay money for the result, and therefore have every right to choose. And cases of molestation or sexual allusions brutally suppress the written complaints the authorities driving school. Sources of Information Preparing for theoretical exam in the SDA traffic police, remember that the "freebie" You do not help, even if you're lucky the largest in the world. Without a thorough and very serious preparation for the exam right you can not see. Instructor in driver education as not repeatedly expressed his doubts about some of the PDD virtual test, because they often contain serious errors, which will provide you with at least repeated re-sit in the traffic police, and at the worst scenario, and loss of desire to continue the path to the goal. Numerous praise as trainers and owners are already present a driver's license has earned the unique training system SDA line, "the SDA line instructor," the official address which the Internet: How long would you not the way ahead – be careful in making decisions, concentrate while driving and be extra careful on the roads! Good luck, future car owners!