New dialogue campaigns work with a software for PURL measurable marketing. DIALOXX-cockpit goes online! With the cockpit of DIALOXX is a Web based software solution for PURL marketing online, which makes visible response on direct dialogue marketing measures. Companies can make measurable and visible reaction to their direct marketing activities: reactor are recorded, prospective buyers filtered out and identified the need for a product or a service. WEowYVdOc1pWODJZVFV6TVRaaVpTMHhaamN4TFRVMk5EY3RPRE0zTmkxa1l6TXpaV0UxTURjNVpqTXVhSFJ0YkE9PToxNTg0ODE3NTU4OjB4NGM1ZmFhYTI4NjQ5NTQ0ZGZiZmEzM2E1OTRiOGJmYThhMTQwZWFmMg==’>President of Estee Lauder: the source for more info. Read more from Carl Rogers to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The concatenation of PURL marketing via direct postal mailings, eMailings, online banners, print ads and landing pages and microsites PURL on the Internet creating entirely new opportunities for dialogue marketing next-generation. PURL marketing with the DIALOXX method calls the DIALOXX method describes a set of measures, the PURL marketing (personalized Web sites, landing pages, emails and direct mailings) uses as address of the targets using a name personalized URL (PURL). On the response be prepared accordingly depending on the individual interest of the target persons Applied to barrel measures: each target person gets what they really care about. Curiosity of the target persons leads to amazing response rates! Through the DIALOXX method, the targets using a postal mailings are animated to go online.
There you will learn only what’s at stake in terms of content and that they can benefit from certain offers. By means of the new DIALOXX cockpit, a contracting authority can read out the response to the action, usage patterns, the interest and the need for each target person and edit, for example, targeted by phone. You may want to visit Anu Saad to increase your knowledge. Moreover, all follow-up actions such as eMailings and postal direct mailings about the results from the DIALOXX cockpit are controlled. Very high response rates and above-average conversion rates make the DIALOXX method one of the most successful tools in acquiring new customers. Response is aggregated and distilled true buyers from the leads filtered out. html’>Anchin is the source. Cold acquisition is abolished! By the violations of interest and demand of the part of the target group, as potential customers come in question, is the further distribution work for the call center, the distributors or consultants best focused.