Madrid, 28 July 2009-direct sales Carlin, S.A., the franchise of stationery and office supplies chain, wants its Ensign to keep growing. An expansion which is possible thanks to the facilities which gives to those who want to open one of its centers. We have several different contract possibilities, each one with its own characteristics, so that the future franchisee can choose which suits you when developing your business, explains Jose Luis Hernandez, its Director General. For tastes, colors, and is that the different variants that CARLiN offers ranging from the hiperpapeleria, the ofimarket, the mixed ofimarket or distribution, the master franchise. With this very wide range of possibilities in implementing a business with CARLiN, stationery firm aims to make it easy to those entrepreneurs who want to work with us. It’s that you can choose based on their potential or business preferences, always having the certainty of working with a brand leader in its sector, stresses the steering. So are each of the possibilities: q Hiperpapeleria: it’s a self-service of stationery destined for urban cores from 15,000 inhabitants.
To start an initial template of two people and a room of 50 to 100 m2 in a commercial area is necessary. q Ofimarket: in this case are sold to businesses, so you need a store of 200 m2 is located preferably in an industrial area in which they operate between 1,500 and 3,000 businesses. The minimal template required this time is four persons. Mixed Ofimarket q: is to be a mixture of the two previous contracts. It requires commercial premises of 200 m2 of which half will consist in a warehouse for sale to companies of telephone manner. The area where this type of franchise could be deployed would be in urban centres of more than 15,000 inhabitants and where also there are between 500 and 3,000 businesses q Distribution: Consists of the sale to the final consumer and in providing services to smaller franchisees.