We do not accustom in them to look at ossujeitos that have deficiency for what they have or for what they are. In this measure, apessoa with auditory deficiency is that one that does not hear, the person with deficinciavisual is that one that not enxerga. That is, we approach in them to the deficiency to apartir of the negation. The person with deficiency is always that one that does not have or noapresenta some capacity that to another one has or presents. Of this form, osentimento of negation always estimates an attitude and one comportamentode negaoque brings for these serious people consequences as exclusion, marginalizao, discrimination, among others. This feeling of negative negation folloied of an attitude ecomportamento with regard to the person with deficiency finishes for reflecting a feeling of that he is ' ' better not to live assim' ' , feeling esseque still reasonable is spread out in the current days and that it places in very controversial question umtema: the death. This because when seeing the deficiency only for the ladonegativo, is not obtained to enxergar a horizon stops mental or sensorial that one that has physical umadeficincia, being that: Many parents who had had children with deficiency count that emalgum moment passed to them for the head that would be better, for the proper son, not to live. Many paraplgicos count that the desire to die after appeared principalmentelogo the accident that brought the injury to medular.
For the parents who tiveramfilhos with deficiency and for the proper people with deficiency the aceitaopassiva of the death results of the loss of sensible of the life. (RIBAS, 2007, p.24). Moreover, Ribas (2007) still points with respect to the danger of queao to interpret the enough adverse deficiency as something the point to deabalar the direction of the life, then let us start to justify the interruption of gestaode babies who comprovadamente will go to be born with deficiency, a time that osentimento of that the penalty is not perhaps valid to live being a person comdeficincia, can lead to the sensation of that perhaps deficiency is not valid the penalty to be born comuma, what it could imply in attitudes as the abortion, for example.