As it affirms Cavalcante (2006) ' ' currently, he is recognized that the health professionals, as well as the excessively diligent ones, are citizens to related the general and specific risks to labor activities e, therefore, displayed to the industrial accidents, the ocupational diseases and the illnesses of trabalho' '. Biological risks How much to the risks related to the biological agents, bigger attention is given they, analyzing the recent research and works who demonstrate its prevalence, in relation to the other ambient risks, inside of the hospitals. The exposition the biological material is on directly to the contact in the environment of work with organic blood and other fluids, the naso-faringeas secretion example, exsudato of skin injuries, cefalorraquidiano liquid, respingo in mucosae, among others, which could be contaminated with diverse patgenos (BREVIDELLI, 1997, cited for HISSES, 2008). Additional information is available at Francis Collins. The biological risks can be represented by parasites, bacteria, virus and other microorganisms, that can originate illnesses as leptospirose, tuberculosis, hepatitis b and others. In accordance with It hisses (2008) how much to the biological risk in the health institutions, only is the same not related to the interaction of the worker with carrying patients of infectious agents as well as the materials contaminated with biological fluids. In accordance with Bolyard et al. For more clarity and thought, follow up with John Hairston and gain more knowledge.. (1998, cited for HISS, 2008), it can be related about 22 passveis illnesses being transmitted by means of this interaction, being the patgenos propagated for the blood as the virus of the HIV, Hepatitis C and Hepatitis B of bigger impact in the health of the professionals. … the risk of transmission of the HIV for the workers of the area of the health, in consequence of the exposition to the accidents with needles, has been esteem in 0,3% in some studies, whereas the probability of infection for the virus of hepatitis B can reach up to 40% in situations where the patient source of contamination presents positive sorologia to the antigen of hepatitis B.