– Of Organic cause: also divided in cerebral direct and indirect cause organic. In the ones of direct organic cause, the cranioenceflicos traumas are placed, that can happen of some types of serious accidents, between them of transit and of the work. Of cerebral indirect organic cause, they are originary of other agencies sistmicos, but that they produce manifestations neuropsquicas, as are the case of the endocrinolgicos riots (hipertireoidismo and hipotireoidismo), dismetablicos (diabetes, heptica insufficience and others) and of occupational poisonings, as it occurs in the exposition the neurotxicos products (mercury, lead, manganese, monxido of carbon and others). Riots of Psychic Etiology: thus called had its etiology to be predominantly psychological, meeting divided in reactions and psychological developments. – Psychological Reactions: they appear after a traumatic event soon, therefore, keep chronological relation with it, being cited here as example, the depressive reactions, the attacks of panic and crises of psicomotora agitation. Former rape, sequestration, sexual abuse. – Psychological Development: thus they are called by installing itself of gradual form and can be presented of simple form (apathy, revolt, abulia) or of form paranide (persecutory ideas and neuroses).
Quantitative riots. – Deficient Mental: called of mental retardation, occurring in the individual a comprometimento of the global level of intelligence, being classified in agreement the gravity, in light, moderate, serious and deep retardation. – Upheavals of Personality: they are individuals that present inflexible and badly adaptativos traces of personality, causing serious damages, in the social functioning, occupational, or a subjective anxiety (VAL and GAVIRIA, 1990). They are divided in paranide, esquizide, histrinicos, anancstica and others. Neurovegetativas reactions: Carrying patients of psychosomatic upheavals, that represented in the cardiovascular system can cause: coronariopatia, arterial hipertenso and cardiac arrhythmia, in the respiratory system for the brnquica asthma and syndrome of hyperventilation, in the gastrointestinal system for the peptic ulcer and ulcerativa colite, in the system esqueltico muscle for artrite reumatide.