Russian Energy Consumption Enterprises

By 2020, Russia will seek to reduce energy consumption enterprises by 40%, significantly reduce the number of 'hot spots' and reduce the urban population living in unfavorable environment. Warm and snowy winter complicate flood situation in Russia in 2009, moe Russia predicts that because of the warm and snowy winter, the flood situation in Russia this year will be more complicated compared with the previous year. The winter of 2008/2009 was characterized by warmer temperatures in winter (on average 2 degrees), as well as excessive by several times of precipitation. That is what will affect the threat emergencies caused by floods. The most difficult situation with floods expected in the Krasnodar region, as well as in the area of the Ob, Lena, Yenisei, Irtysh, Angara. Roshydromet expects that floods on the rivers of southern Russia will begin in mid-March – for 5-10 days before the medium-long-term performance. In the second decade of March to begin flooding in the basin of the Don river basin and Kuma, which will continue until June. Floods on the rivers of Dagestan will begin in late March – the first of April and continue through September.

On the lower Volga River floods begin in April with an increase in discharge through the Volgograd hydroelectric and river levels will depend only on the magnitude of these discharges. In RosHydroMet noted that the greatest danger for subjects rain floods are going against floods, the most dangerous period of the passage of which will be in May-August. The quality of drinking water in Moscow significantly improved since 2011 Concept Program Clean Water Moskvy for 2010-2012 endorsed last week by the Moscow authorities. Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City is actively involved in the matter.