As it affirms Cavalcante (2006) ' ' currently, he is recognized that the health professionals, as well as the excessively diligent ones, are citizens to related the general and specific risks to labor activities e, therefore, displayed to the industrial accidents, the ocupational diseases and the illnesses of trabalho' '. Biological risks How much to the risks related to the biological agents, bigger attention is given they, analyzing the recent research and works who demonstrate its prevalence, in relation to the other ambient risks, inside of the hospitals. The exposition the biological material is on directly to the contact in the environment of work with organic blood and other fluids, the naso-faringeas secretion example, exsudato of skin injuries, cefalorraquidiano liquid, respingo in mucosae, among others, which could be contaminated with diverse patgenos (BREVIDELLI, 1997, cited for HISSES, 2008). Additional information is available at Francis Collins. The biological risks can be represented by parasites, bacteria, virus and other microorganisms, that can originate illnesses as leptospirose, tuberculosis, hepatitis b and others. In accordance with It hisses (2008) how much to the biological risk in the health institutions, only is the same not related to the interaction of the worker with carrying patients of infectious agents as well as the materials contaminated with biological fluids. In accordance with Bolyard et al. For more clarity and thought, follow up with John Hairston and gain more knowledge.. (1998, cited for HISS, 2008), it can be related about 22 passveis illnesses being transmitted by means of this interaction, being the patgenos propagated for the blood as the virus of the HIV, Hepatitis C and Hepatitis B of bigger impact in the health of the professionals. … the risk of transmission of the HIV for the workers of the area of the health, in consequence of the exposition to the accidents with needles, has been esteem in 0,3% in some studies, whereas the probability of infection for the virus of hepatitis B can reach up to 40% in situations where the patient source of contamination presents positive sorologia to the antigen of hepatitis B.
Tag: health and beauty
HALL Concentration
The ridge cerebral lateral separates to the wolf frontal of the secular wolf, the ridge parieto-occipital separates the parietal wolf of the occipital wolf. The fifth part of the brain, nsula, cannot be seen of the surface of encfalo, for is situated in the interior of the lateral, deep cerebral fiction in relation with the wolves parietal, frontal and weather. As Guyton and Hall (1998) the ganglia of the base are an accessory motor system that functions not for if only, but always in close association with the cerebral cortex and the corticoespinhal motor system in the control of the complex standards of motor activities. The ganglia virtually receive all the signals from entrance of the proper cortex and in turn they return to almost all its signals of exit in return to the cortex. The injuries in the pale globe, frequent take the reptao movements spontaneous of one of the hands, an arm, the neck or the face, movements called atetose.
An injury in sublamo takes many times the ample movements since the root of the entire member, a condition called hemibalismo. According to Guyton and Hall, (1998) many areas of the formation of the bulb, bridge and mesencfalo control different autonmicas functions, as the arterial pressure, cardiac frequency, gastrintestinais secretion grandulardo gastrintestinal treatment, peristaltismo, contraction would urinaria of the bladder. Having as controlled more important factors for the cerebral trunk, the arterial pressure, cardiac frequency and the breath. The sanguineous flow cerebral this highly related to the cerebral metabolism. Three different metabolic factors have powerful effect in contro0le of the sanguineous flow, the concentration of carbon dioxide, ons of hidrognios and the concentration of oxygen. An increase of the concentration of carbon dioxide or of ons of hydrogen raises the cerebral sanguineous flow, while the reduction of the oxygen concentration increases flow (GUYTON; HALL, 1998). For Guyton and Hall (1998) the likeable stimulation cause excitatrios effect in some agencies and inibitrios in others.
Reiners Health
It continues, Reiners The education is important, the process to influence and to be influenced, to learn and to teach is the essence in the educational sector, has the paper to develop the individual and the culture. The education acts in the clarification on the conditions that tend to follow the normal course of the life, and a paper in the change of attitudes of people of all the ages in relation the health and illness. The domiciliary attendance puts in practical the orientaes and behaviors that the health team establishes, in order to improve the state of health of the individual and the family, or, at least, to prevent illnesses. Socioeconmicos and cultural factors must be considered by the nurse each time that considers some change in the domestic routine. Whenever possible these questions must be argued and determined next to family. The educative action must enclose the following points: – To inform on the consequences of the pathology not treated and badly controlled – To strengthen the importance of the feeding as part of the treatment – To clarify on crendices, myths, taboos and popular alternatives of treatment. – To undo fears, unreliabilities and anxiety of the patient.
– To emphasize the benefits of the physical activity – To guide on healthful habit of life – To stand out the benefits of the automonitorao, insisting on the education of adequate and possible techniques. – To teach as the patient and its family they can prevent, detect and treat the acute complications, in house, until arriving at the hospital or the next rank of health. – To teach clearly as to detect symptoms and signals of chronic complications, in particular in the feet. – To stimulate the patient if to become more self-sufficient in its control. (BRAZIL, 2002). Therefore, this study it has for object the education in health in the consolidation of the practical one of prevention of complications caused by the illness.
CDI Syndrome
As the alterations of J-ST observed in this syndrome they are described as mutant, also being able to occur occult forms with the pparently normal eletrocardiograma, in this case the diagnosis will only be established through farmacolgico test with the use of ajmalina or procainamida7. The nocturnal death so frequent in is determined regions of the Thailand that the local aboriginals attribute the ghosts to it of widowers who take the young at night, to foil, sleep dresses with clothes femininas3. Exactly in the assintomticos patients, they is esteem that at least one tero will go to develop ventricular taquicardia or ventricular fibrilao in the 24 months that follow the diagnosis inicial3. The control of the ventricular taquiarritmias with the use of antiarrhythmic drugs has not been a viable option. The implantation of a desfibrilador cardioversor is the adjusted behavior more, therefore it modifies favorably evolution of the serious and curious patient with this sndrome8. Observing the case above, it is evaluated that it hears an imperfection of the patient, where exactly with the description of sncopes and sudden deaths in the family, did not look medical aid.
Therefore it could has prevented the cardiorrespiratria stop that fortunately did not have a tragic end as it occurs in this syndrome. Consideraes Final the Syndrome of Brugada is dealt to a serious pathology and with fatal consequencias, but identifying the symptoms precociously, it will be able to have an increase in the supervened one of patients susceptible to unchain this Syndrome. Patients with the characteristic findings will have to look medical aid to exclarecer, being identified, to implant the CDI immediately. Emergenciais doctors must be cliente of the electrocardiographic standard of Brugada, therefore this Syndrome still little is divulged and is esteem through an informal research of the group in urgency ranks, that many of the health area not yet know or never they had heard to speak.
These criteria, however, are not unanimous, the proper boundary-value that defines a hipoglicemia having been source of controversies. Of any form, the glucose level below of 70 mg/dL or 3,9 mmol/L is considered hipoglicmico. Diabetic that they make the monitorizao of the glucose routinely can detect increases of the glicemia, without, however, presenting hiperglicemia symptoms. For these patients one sends regards, whenever possible, to search the level of the glucose in the blood. This can preferential be made in the following occasions: In jejum and before the main meals (lunch and supper); In jejum and two hours after the main meals; Up to two hours after the meals (glicemia after-prandial). Hiperglicemia after-prandial As the studies never stop, a new concept has been each time more considered for the control of diabetes. The abrupt increase of the glucose in the blood is known today that, that occurs after a meal soon, the call ' ' peak of glicemia' ' , already a great risk of cardiovascular complications in all is considered the people with diabetes. The dosage of this glicemia, that must not more than be made what two hours after each habitual meal, is called glicemia after-prandial.
In healthful individuals, the insulina release after each meal is enough to reduce ' ' peak of glicemia' ' in, the maximum, 10 minutes. Normally, this peak does not exceed 140 levels of mg/dl. On the other hand, in the diabetic individuals, this release of insulina is slow of 30 the 60 minutes, making with that the glucose levels remain high for much more time. Speaking in medical terms, we are ahead of a hiperglicemia after-prandial. A very high amount of glucose after the meals worsening still more its toxic effect in the organism, as injuries in the wall of the sanguineous vases and increase of the risks of tromboses and spills.
Its causes can be varied and to appear in any age of the individual. Its more common forms, moderate or severe, occur as a complication in the treatment of diabetes mellitus with insulina or verbal medicines. However this article treats generically the illness, its effect and cause must be studied with clarity and always of individual form, it always sends regards to look a specialist so that this with I assist of disgnostic services can define where I serve as apprentice or level the illness is or exists. Source: Wikpedia and dialbetes net. Emerson L. Taveira
Edna Cristina Gonalves Academic Dos Santos of the Course of Full Licenciatura in Physical Education. University of the State of Par Summary This research mentions the practical one to it of physical activity directed toward deaf person, having as methodology the theoretical referencial. The deafness is a deficiency that reaches one of the agencies of the direction ' ' audio' ' , it is the deficiency of bigger incidence in the population, in Brazil to each 1000 children who are born of two the seven have deafness problems. The notice of the birth of a child with deficiency in the familiar way can sketch diverse reactions, such as, fear, repulses, indignation or resignation. It is fact that the Brazilian families are not prepared to receive a child in these circumstances. In special the deaf child, the parents initially try to oralizar it, for then inserting the language of signals. The paper of the professor of Physical Education is to develop the corporal conscience, to raise auto-esteem to propitiate ludicidade moments.
Introduction the physical activity directed toward the deaf public, still is a thematic one little explored and mystified, it is normal to associate with the deafness ' ' incapacidade' '. Second (RASP, SOUZA and TREVISAN, 2003) ' ' it is very common, … coming across in them, for example, with terms as: abnormal people, different, deficient auditory, deaf person-dumb, people carrying of deficiency auditiva.' ' In some cases in accordance with (RASP, PIROLO and BISINELA et al, 2000) ' ' the trend is also verified to deny the deficiency or to classify the deaf person as sick mental' '. These concepts are deriving of the knowledge lack on the related subject: deafness. (Gesser, 2009) before working with deaf people, it believed that: ' ' deficient auditory he was less offensive or pejorativo of what ' ' surdo' ' but, in the convivncia with the proper deaf people, I was learning that they prefer exactly are they call that them deaf people and some are until irritated when they are called deficientes.' ' In this context, we will approach practical of physical education directed toward this public, therefore (RASP, SOUZA and TREVISAN, 2003) they defend that ' ' it is necessary to identify and to contextualizar this citizen, is a necessary requirement for the professional of Physical Education.