Training is any procedure that it aims at to promote and to increase the learning enters the employees of a company, aiming at? particularly? to the acquisition of abilities for one determined position. For Goldstein (1991) Training ' ' it is the systematic acquisition of attitudes, concepts, knowledge, rules or abilities that result in improvement of performance in trabalho' ' Other authors, as Wexley and Hinrichs believe that Training is a learning process that assists the professional to reach the efficiency demanded in its work (present and future) by means of the development of appropriate habits of thoughts, action, attitudes, behaviors, knowledge and techniques. The objectives of a training are: To stimulate the efficiency. To develop and to increase the productivity. To raise the quality levels.
To promote the security in the work. To diminish rubbishes and reverse speed-works. Development is considered as a form of personal perfectioning that consists of improving the knowledge and the abilities of complex nature not structuralized. But, other authors affirm that the Development of an employee is the capacity of this employee in accumulating enough knowledge and information so that it can develop its current function better, or other tasks that will be trusted to them. On the other hand, Nadler (1984) differentiates ' ' treinamento' ' of ' ' educao' ' of ' ' desenvolvimento' ' , appraising them in the following way: Training is a learning related to the current task of the employee.
Education would be the learning that aims at the preparation of the individual for a future task, already identified. Development is the learning acquired for the growth of the individual, but unrelated to a task present (or future) MODALITIES OF TRAINING. 1) Actual training: One is about the training carried through with the physical presence of the instructor and training, whose objective is to characterize, to recycle, to bring up to date and/or to perfect the performance of the treinandos.